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Posted (edited)

OK: Fixed all my problems (thanks to all those that have helped) except for Windows Defender.

Basically it says that I need to activate windows before installing it and I don't want to preactivate the cd, so was wondering if anyone had a workaround?



Edited by danielvh


Try these but I don't know your time code for Perth.









Your better off using the tool that comes with your xp disc that helps you automate the winnt.sif & use that as your base.




OK, fixed all the problems except for:

1) I can't get Windows Defender to install without auto-activating first which I do not want to do. Is this impossible?

2) A screen comes up at the beginning of install asking me to click next to continue install despite me choosing fullunattended in winnt.

3) I need the timezone code for GMT+8 (perth)

Can anyone help me?




OK, fixed problem #2 from above.

Just 1 and 3 left. Basically how do I install windows defender without preactivating (if it is at all possible) and what is the timezone code for GMT+8 (perth). Could someone just have a quick look in the ref file of microsoft developer tools for me.




You need to modify the .msi file and remove a few custom actions. Once you're in there looking at it, they should be obvious. But even after you do that it still won't install from svcpack.inf. When Microsoft first but out Beta 2, I was able to hack it enough so that it would install from svcpack. Then they released a refresh build of Beta 2 and I was unable to get it to install from svcpack.

Posted (edited)

Download Windows Defender

Download Orca.msi (Search Google)

[ORCA is part of Windows Server 2003 SP1 Platform SDK]

Create a Administrative installation by running msiexec /A "c:\temp\WindowsDefender.msi" then it will ask where to put the files, I use c:\temp\Defender

Now open new WindowsDefender.msi (ex. c:\temp\Defender\WindowsDefender.msi) in ORCA editor

You have to delete several entries:

CustomAction - CHECK_WGA
CustomAction - OtherWGAError
CustomAction - OpenURL
InstallExecuteSequence - CHECK_WGA
InstallExecuteSequence - OtherWGAError
InstallExecuteSequence - LAUNCH_MY_PROGRAM_PLEASE

and you MUST set this:
Property - LAUNCHPROGRAM = 0
Property - AgreeToLicense = Yes

Now you should be able to install Defender unattended without errors.

Edited by mc134

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