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trouble installing nlited unattended on NForce4 Mobo


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Hey all, my thanks to Nuhi for this magical wee deployment tool...even if it is driving me nuts now, hence my arriving here....

I am having all sorts of troubles with it now though, and have used it on occaision since version 0.98 with moderate success.

I have a gigabyte K8NXP-9 nforce4 mobo, with sata raid5 set up on the Silicon Image 3114 controller. I have tried several ways to get past a "starting windows" hang-up during install, but to no avail.

All of the images that I have burned, and I have a couple of dozen, trying various settings etc have been able to boot and install using Virtual PC, but not on the real hardware. Judging from what I can see on my hardcano display, the cpu temp rises approx 10 degrees two mins after the installer says starting windows, I assume the cpu is going to 100%, also the hard drive access light stays on, but not a flicker from it. (AMD 939 3500+)

The first few attempts I made, I integrated only the raid drivers I needed, but latterly I have been including the mobo chipset drivers and anything else I thought the installer may need to understand my hardware, like my modem driver, the marvel gigabit lan driver etc. None of it works on real hardware, only in Virtual PC.

Incidentally, I have reverted back to service pack 1a, because my prefered firewall, will not work under sp2, but I have tried using sp2 and the various hotfixes etc from RyanVM, hoping that somehow it would untangle my installation troubles, but alas no. I have tried integrating the hotfixes both ways, i.e using RyanVM and nlite, but I have yet to see a working installation.

I appreciate that I know diddly squeek about what I'm really doing here, and that I have most likely removed something without understanding what the implications were, so I am sort of hoping that some kind soul here can give me a step for a hint as to where I'm going wrong.

Thanks in advance for any help you guys can give me, I have attached my last session.ini in case it helps untangle the mess I have made of this :blushing:


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Please check that nvidia textmode driver topic in this forum, but before that I think that you shouldn't have integrated 2 folders from your sata driver





Only one is needed, it may be sataraid.

Anyway before you do any more testing be sure to get a CDRW :) and read that topic with a guide.

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hey nuhi, thanks for that ! :blushing:

I didn't even notice I had installed two sets of the same drivers, in fact, I would actually say that I didn't deliberately install them, I'm guessing these extras came from the system drivers package that I got from Gigabyte, they slipped in there without me noticing, so I couldn't have been paying attention at that point. The raid drivers I actually need to install are not the Nvidia ones anyway, the Nvidia controllers are turned off in the bios, although I still need to use the Nvidia/ Forceware smbus, ide & lan drivers. One day I may move the raid array to the Nvidia controllers, but the Silicon Image controller does a fine job just as it is. The drivers I need to install are the ones for the sil3114r5, for this machine, and the Promise Fastrack133 raid for my old workhorse.

I was having the installation problem prior to installing any nvidia drivers, I only had the sil3114r5 driver and the Promise Fastrack133 driver integrated. I integrated them using the single file mode, and only chose the drivers specifically listed for xp. It was only on this last attempt, the one I posted the session.ini for, that I attempted to provide all of the Mobo drivers in case it was those being missing that was causing my installation problems.

I have retraced my steps today, and removed all the drivers that I integrated, just to see if I could still use the F6/ Floppy method, as that's how I originally installed this copy of xp without a hitch. I was able to get the windows installer to boot, and install initially, at least it made it past "starting windows" then towards the end of the installation it reported that it couldn't copy the sil3114r5 drivers over from the floppy. Very strange as it had accepted the drivers via the F6/ Floppy to begin with...and happily formatted etc then continued to copy windows to the system partition when I told it to skip the files. Of course upon reboot, there was no access to the raid array and the installation failed. I later tested the floppy for bad reads etc, but it was fine, able to copy from it without trouble. So I assume the windows installer has a problem with the raid drivers, probably as has been stated elsewhere here, they are not whql certified, although they are the latest available drivers from Gigabyte.

Obviously something is wrong here, the F6/ Floppy method worked initially, otherwise I wouldn't have this machine running, so what has changed ? Does performing unattended installation alter the F6 method in some way that would prevent the driver installation ? I'm confused now...

This is a nlited version of XP I'm currently using, it is unattended, and I used the F6 method to install the sil3114r5 drivers to begin with, but it doesn't work now for some reason that escapes me.

I'll try it again, this time with only the sil3114r5 driver integrated in case it's the Promise driver causing my trouble and see how it goes...

I did incidentally read most of the posts here about the NVidia headaches ppl are having before I posted this, and done a forum search for mention of the Silicon Image controller and didn't find anything relevant.

I would really like to nail this problem, so any further help anyone can give me would be most appreciated :wacko:

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Ok I finally managed to get xp installed, strange path I took, but here it is...

I tried using nlite to only slipstream sp1a and integrate only my sil3114r5 driver...

no luck, just hangs at "starting windows" with the consequence that my cpu temp rises steeply

I then tried using nlite to slipstream sp1a and all of my motherboard drivers, and anything else I needed to support the hardware.

again, no luck, just hangs at "starting windows" with the consequence that my cpu temp rises steeply

I tried several more attempts, adding and removing drivers etc, all without adding any tweaks or removing any windows components etc.

Again, no luck, just the same hang up during install.

I decided to go back to the beginning again, and only integrate the sil3114r5 driver, being very careful to only choose the xp version, just in case I had made a mistake the first time round, but again, no luck.

in desperation, I decided to hit F6 again, and pop in the floppy...voila, or so I thought...the install goes well...

but upon reboot, I get the blue Stop page...I remove the floppy in dismay...

at this point, I usually power cycle and try again, but for some mad reason I hit the reset button instead...

the installer starts off the bootable cd, and runs through the installation without a hitch, very strange, it had failed on every other occaision, even the previous run was a failure...

however, fully expecting the hang at the "starting windows" I let it run through..and voila...windows boots up...all appears well...

Now, I'm either going crazy, or there is something hit and miss about the way the installer handled this...or the way in which nlite is handling the installer, I'm not sure which...

I have double, quadrupled checked all my media, it's faultless, not only that, I have tried this with about 4 different brands, all with the same result, and all tested fault free...

Could this be a bug ? even a hardware specific one ?

the standard, gold, version, ie without any svc packs etc, with only the sil3114r5 driver integrated, fails every time, though I didn't try just resetting, I actually power cycled, using the gold disc, and F6 plus my floppy the install runs fault free...

Anyway, I'm glad it didn't end in tears for me, but I tell ya...it came close to driving me nuts...

Keep up the good work on this project folks, and thanks nuhi for a great deployment tool :thumbup

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How lond did you wait on 'starting windows'?

Sometimes it can get up to a minute or two.

For me no but I've seen such issues and waiting solved it.

Also check your HDD cables, use ata66+ (if that is the name, the one with double the leads).

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