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IE 7 Beta 3 & winxp installation

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Hi All,

My System : Winxp SP2.

I downloaded and installed IE7 Beta2 which was working ok, then IE7 Beta3 was downloaded and when i tried to install it it gave me an error saying unable to update registry, i searched and on microsoft support they had this document which guides you to correct registry permissions and then try to reinstall it

Microsoft Support Link : http://support.microsoft.com/kb/917925

So, i followed it and changed registry permissions on HKLM, HKCR, and on the others as well.

Now my system will boot properly but on the welcome sreen or once i have logged in it will firsrt give an error of Norton personal firewall won[t start, neither would nortn av would. If i double click on my computer it take ages to display the contents, and i can[t get to network connections in any way to dial the internet.

Please Help, looking for a way to rectify this without reinstalling xp.

Thanks and regards


Posted (edited)

did you backup the orginal registry before editing the needed keys.

During the first install of IF7 B3, did you keep the install log as well.

Other then that, which method did you follow first and then last.

Edited by Shindo_Hikaru
did you backup the orginal registry before editing the needed keys.

During the first install of IF7 B3, did you keep the install log as well.

Other then that, which method did you follow first and then last.

Hello Shindo Hikaru,

Sorry for the delayed update as i can't use my pc for coming online coz of the registry issues.

I followed Method 1 to find and all the registry keys which were in the IE log file i changed permissions on them, now i have even forgotten what i did with them :)

more over, i didn't bckdup my registry...

ANy help? or would i have to reinstall whole winxp, i am using winxp professional sp2.



try running Method 2 on that link. and find out which registry key it is. it seems that the installer can't edit a registry key.

to tell you the truth, i had a similar problem and i fixed it by repairing my permissions. if you feel like trying it, then follow the link at the bottom. who knows. it might work :)


Mangix, You are the MAN :) it worked, i went on to the website u provided, then downloaded a small file repairpermissions.exe, put it on a floppy, booted into xp pro safemode with command prompt and run the floppy disk as mentioned on that website

now i can boot and use it properly !!!

Thanks a Million !


Hello Mangix,

One more problem, after repairing the permissions i can use everything as normal, but when i log on to the user i created (Limited user) they can do everything apart from opening yahoo mail or gmail, hotmail opens in IE7 and mozilla, but neither Yahoo mail or gmail opens, it simply says cannot find server.

other sites are opening properly...

any suggestion!



Posted (edited)

How many users have you created, and refarding limited user, it does that limits, ifyou wish them to have limited admin rights, edit their assignment to power user.

You might need to be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group in order to perform some tasks.

Local Users and Groups manages users and groups of users for your computer. You can create new users and groups, add users to groups, remove users from groups, disable user and group accounts, and reset passwords.

Here is some list of User Groups


Members of the Administrator group have total control over the computer and everything on it. The user named Administrator is the default account within this group. The domain account of each faculty or staff member with a Windows XP computer is part of the Administrator group on his or her computer.

Administrators Can:

Create, modify, and access local user accounts

Install new hardware and software

Upgrade the operating system

Back up the system and files

Claim ownership of files that have become damaged

Do anything a Power User can

Power Users

The Power User class can perform any task except for those reserved for Administrators. They are allowed to carry out functions that will not directly affect the operating system or risk security. All domain accounts are part of the Power Users group on public Windows XP computers.

Power Users Can:

Create local user accounts

Modify user accounts which they have created

Change user permissions on users, power users, and guests

Install and run applications that do not affect the operating system

Customize settings and resources on the Control Panel, such as Printers, Date/Time, and Power Options

Do anything a User can

Power Users Cannot:

Access other users' data without permission

Delete or modify user accounts they did not create


Users can perform common tasks, but have little power to affect the computer outside of their own account. The Users group is the most secure environment in which to run programs, since a User cannot affect the operating system or program files.

Users Can:

Create, modify, and delete their own data files

Run system-wide or personally installed applications

Change their personal settings

Install programs for their own use only

Access the network

Print to local or networked printers

Do anything a Guest can

Users Cannot:

Modify system-wide settings, operating system files, or program files

Affect other users' data or desktop settings

Install applications that can be run by other users

Add printers

Configure the system for file sharing

If you are trying to allow users to gain access to applications and such you would need to apply Power User, they are now allowed to make system wide changes.

Edited by Shindo_Hikaru
How many users have you created, and refarding limited user, it does that limits, ifyou wish them to have limited admin rights, edit their assignment to power user.

You might need to be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group in order to perform some tasks.

Local Users and Groups manages users and groups of users for your computer. You can create new users and groups, add users to groups, remove users from groups, disable user and group accounts, and reset passwords.

Here is some list of User Groups


Members of the Administrator group have total control over the computer and everything on it. The user named Administrator is the default account within this group. The domain account of each faculty or staff member with a Windows XP computer is part of the Administrator group on his or her computer.

Administrators Can:

Create, modify, and access local user accounts

Install new hardware and software

Upgrade the operating system

Back up the system and files

Claim ownership of files that have become damaged

Do anything a Power User can

Power Users

The Power User class can perform any task except for those reserved for Administrators. They are allowed to carry out functions that will not directly affect the operating system or risk security. All domain accounts are part of the Power Users group on public Windows XP computers.

Power Users Can:

Create local user accounts

Modify user accounts which they have created

Change user permissions on users, power users, and guests

Install and run applications that do not affect the operating system

Customize settings and resources on the Control Panel, such as Printers, Date/Time, and Power Options

Do anything a User can

Power Users Cannot:

Access other users' data without permission

Delete or modify user accounts they did not create


Users can perform common tasks, but have little power to affect the computer outside of their own account. The Users group is the most secure environment in which to run programs, since a User cannot affect the operating system or program files.

Users Can:

Create, modify, and delete their own data files

Run system-wide or personally installed applications

Change their personal settings

Install programs for their own use only

Access the network

Print to local or networked printers

Do anything a Guest can

Users Cannot:

Modify system-wide settings, operating system files, or program files

Affect other users' data or desktop settings

Install applications that can be run by other users

Add printers

Configure the system for file sharing

If you are trying to allow users to gain access to applications and such you would need to apply Power User, they are now allowed to make system wide changes.

Thank you for ur tutorial of user rights assignments:)

My question is :

Since repairing resgistry, i (with admin account which was also previously there) can browse and login to any WEB Site i.e. yahoo mail or gmail, but previous users (limited or admin) can't even open www.gmail.com, yahoo mail opens but once u press login after ur username/pwd it displays 'cann't find server'?

Any help on the causes and solution for the problem?

I have tried both mozilla and IE neither yahoo or gmail opens, every other website opens on all user accounts.



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