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XP unattended disc does not install any updates located in /i386/SVCPACK.

After the Install I rechecked to make sure all was in order. Everything was, However, The only two exceptions with this install disc are :

- I included the switchless installer of WMP10 in SVCPACK and added it as first entry in SVCPACK.INF

- Im using a new XP source disc. It's XP pro but unlike any I've worked with, This one reports back as being version 2180 instead of the usual 2600.

In SVCPACK.INF, there is an entry for the OS name and version. My INF reads version as being 2600 even though XP itself reports back as 2180. Could this descreprancy between versions be the cause SVCPACK didn't install? Everything else went fine and fully unattended.

Any help would be appreciated.



i have a similar problem, some install, some don't

i have checked all switches by doing /? against each one, and auto update even finds some that are installed if you check the control panel | add/remove programs

i have attached my svcpack.inf, in case it helps anyone to answer the problem.



@ Rez.

Have you added SVCPACK, as optional dir, to your DOSNET?

@ oioldman

I maintain 8.3 format for file names. I don't know if it's the cause in your situation!

Also, was WMP10 installed?


Thanks for the replies ..

@Mazin : Yes, I did add [OptionalSourceDirs] to dosnet.inf. I also made sure that all the hotfixes were renamed to a 8.3 filename format. And NO, WMP10 was not installed. I also deleted the original SVCPACK.IN_ in the i386 Folder. Here is a copy of my SVCPACK.INI file, Maybe you can spot something I didn't. Thank you for your time.

;Windows XP
Signature="Windows NT$"



KB873339.EXE /q /n /z
KB885250.EXE /q /n /z
KB885626.EXE /q /n /z
KB885835.EXE /q /n /z
KB885836.EXE /q /n /z
KB886185.EXE /q /n /z
KB888113.EXE /q /n /z
KB888302.EXE /q /n /z
KB890046.EXE /q /n /z
KB890859.EXE /q /n /z
KB891781.EXE /q /n /z
KB893066.EXE /q /n /z
KB893756.EXE /q /n /z
KB893803.exe /q /n /z
KB894391.EXE /q /n /z
KB896358.EXE /q /n /z
KB896422.EXE /q /n /z
KB896423.EXE /q /n /z
KB896428.EXE /q /n /z
KB896688.EXE /q /n /z
KB898461.exe /q /n /z
KB899587.EXE /q /n /z
KB899589.EXE /q /n /z
KB899591.EXE /q /n /z
KB900725.EXE /q /n /z
KB901017.EXE /q /n /z
KB901214.EXE /q /n /z
KB902400.EXE /q /n /z
KB904706.EXE /q /n /z
KB905414.EXE /q /n /z
KB905749.EXE /q /n /z
KB905915.EXE /q /n /z
KB908519.EXE /q /n /z
KB908531.EXE /q /n /z
KB910437.EXE /q /n /z
KB911562.EXE /q /n /z
KB911564.EXE /q /n /z
KB911565.EXE /q /n /z
KB911927.EXE /q /n /z
KB912812.EXE /q /n /z
KB912919.EXE /q /n /z
KB913433.exe /Q:A /R:N
KB913446.EXE /q /n /z
KB913580.exe /q /n /z
KB914389.exe /q /n /z
KB916281.exe /q /n /z
KB917344.exe /q /n /z
KB917734.exe /q /n /z
KB917953.exe /q /n /z
KB918439.exe /q /n /z


It may be this part:

Signature="Windows NT$" should be Signature="$Windows NT$"

Also, MP10Setup.exe isn't 8.3 format. Is it a SFX that has switches inside?


Well first off, Yes, The WMP10 executable is a switchless installer downloaded from unattended.msfn.org. The only reason I left it with its original filename was because the guide said to. But I can see your point, being that it is the first on the list, Maybe not being in 8.3 caused Windows to overlook the whole thing.

It may be this part:

Signature="Windows NT$" should be Signature="$Windows NT$"

Ok maybe I'm going blind here but those look identical, Do you mind pointing out the difference?

Thanks for the help Mazin.

Mansouri? Agda'a Nass ..

Oh, sorry! You missed the first $.

Lol, Well I'll be damned. You're absoloutly right. It's times like this when you know you need to renew your glasses. Thank you, And sorry to have wasted your time on what can only be called 'A silly typo'.

Shokran Ya Ma'allem ..

Thanks for the replies .. I also deleted the original SVCPACK.IN_ in the i386 Folder.
This is most likely what the problem was. Windows install was finding the original file and using it instead of your file.




i do use the 8.3 format for the names of the update.

Yes, WMP10 does install fine and works if i open it

i don't have a svcpack.in_ in teh i386 folder so that isn't conflicting

glad yours is fixed Rez


anybody able to assis t me here please, becasue if this keeps happening i can't be arsed to install updates during install and will just use autoupdate

please help, and thanks

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sorry for that.

But since some of your apps install correctly under your SVCPACK.INF, then I think your INF is good.

You may want to check your HotFixes. I mean if all other apps install well except HotFixes, then there's something wrong with them. This is just a thought.

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