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nLite preset files and nLite versions


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I'm just wondering if it's best to start over with my various presets when I update to a new version of nLite or if it's safe to keep my existing ones. For instance, when things change in the tweaks section or if a removal is seperated into two seperate parts - stuff like that - will the newer nLite recognize the no longer valid entries in a pre-existing settings file?

Some of the settings I have, depending on the target, can be pretty detailed. Up to now I've been starting over with every new version just to be safe. Just thought I'd inquire if I can skip the ritual.

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I used same preset from the very beginnings, that's why there were some issues way back then because my preset would select something while emtpy one would leave null.

So the answer is yeah it's harmless to use old ones. Just don't be annoyed when it does something that you forgot that is set.

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Ok, I guess just to be on the safe side I'll just make them new each release. I've actually got it down to a system since I have three different settings that get gradually more detailed as I go along. So first I make the least, then the next one and so on just modifying the previous.

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