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Posted (edited)

i have tried in t-12

my cmdlines.txt


it ran perfectly giving perfect output as i want

it also ran perfectly in my guirunonce



it can't be executed in pure dos mode(MS DOS 6.22, command prompt of win98 bootable)

Message will popup as : This program must be run under Win32

but it can perfectly run in t-12

none other worked for me (Quick Batch File Compiler failed the process)

Edited by Nepali


one question still remains though. Does ExeScript compiled EXE(<--- .BAT) can run successfully in pure DOS Mode, like from CMDLINES.TXT or from DetachedProgram @T-39? From your post it looks like it can, just enquiring if you've had any success with it.


I'm coding BASIC apps for 16bit bat operations. Compiled bat's doesn't run on 16bit.

Posted (edited)

I'm sorry to dissapoint u nepali.

But I exescript is working the same as QBFC. It makes an exe out of a bat. But when executed i makes an temporary bat file with your code in it. In the localsettings temp folder.

I agree exescript runs in T-12 but the pros of QBFC, custom icon atachment of files etc etc. I prefer QBFC

The best app there is. Hearsay.

Is ASE (admin script editor). But no single crack around the net.

I'm saving some money the buy that app. :)

Edited by The Glimmerman

@The Glimmerman,

Well, probably you may not know of another excellent product that could amaze you with its registered version(of course!). Its nBinder. I just briefly outline its powerfull features:

With nBinder you can:

1. Compress executables (or any other file type) without affecting their direct functionality, so you don't have to unpack them before run.

2. Transform any type of file into an executable without affecting their direct functionality.

3. Password protect any kind of file without the file loosing its direct functionality.

4. Bind dlls and other resource files to your executable so you can distribute your application as a single (smaller, protected) executable.

5. Protect your application by binding it and selecting the self delete option so that a user can use your application (output) only once, the file deleting itself after one run. ( Ha Ha Self-Deleting executables, How do you like, mate?)

6. Make an silent installer for your application that will be able to install your application and its needed files to a certain directory and run your application when the install process is complete. ( You can select during packaging that the folder of your choice in which you want to extract the content, can be protected from Read/Write Operations.)

7. Password protect your executables or any other file Password protect your images, pictures, documents, projects, music ...etc. and at the same time compress them.

8. Hide files inside an application and have them silently extracted to a certain directory.

9. Change executables icons

10. Accepts command-line arguments for Password and the packed executable needs no presence of the nBinder Program in any machine to do its job.

11. You can really select the password either for extraction only or also for execution.

I hope you will love its features set. Currently in 4.0 and costs only 30 $

And if you search around the net for the way you searched for ASE 2.0, I must say you'll not be morosed after the search. :)



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