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Dos action required


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Hi all,

I have two things that i wanna to know how i can do them in DOS

1st: How to make .bat execute in ghost mode (execute in background) ?

without any bat to exe programs if there is any other way

2nd: How to increase size of font typed in .bat file?

Thanx in advance



Edited by xtremee
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to hide the command window use a program calle cmdow.exe (its whats recommended on numerous occasions by alot of members in msfn).

2) What do you mean increase the font size. As in the font displayed in notepad or the font in the cmmand window????

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to hide the command window use a program calle cmdow.exe (its whats recommended on numerous occasions by alot of members in msfn).

2) What do you mean increase the font size. As in the font displayed in notepad or the font in the cmmand window????

1st of all thanx for ur reply :hello:

I mean when u type in notepad u can select the size of ur font 10,11 or...... depending on the font u use

i wanna to write in DOS with big font (say i wanna to write with font 15)

How this can be done.



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  • 2 weeks later...

maybe you can do it with another text editor, 'cause in the default DOS text editor (type EDIT and press ENTER) you can't change the font size. I'll do a search and if I find anythin' I'll tell you.

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not yet, 'cause the default text editor is the EDIT.COM, but you can search for an alternative text editor, 'cause I've seen in many DOS progs the font bigger than the normal, so I believe you can do this with a text editor, but not with EDIT.COM. I'll search and will let you know if I find somethin', 'cause it's a little difficult to find a dos prog when everybody's paying attention to Windows Vista and so on, but don't worry, I'll try to find this stuff!


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