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Creative Sound Blaster drivers... (Solved)


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Being as how I was running XP x64 edition I figured I'd install Vista x64 edition on my gaming rig at home... Problem is that I can't seem to find a functional audio driver, its pretty much the last component I need a functional driver for... I tried the ones on Creative's site, but apparenty since they were made for build 5231 they don't wanna work... I also tried the modified drivers from ngohq, but those didn't work either.....


It's an Audigy Platinum....

Edited by Nakatomi2010
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You have to disable driver signing before installing the beta drivers. Run from an elevated command prompt:

bcdedit -set nointegritychecks ON

It has to be run from an elevated prompt. Reboot then install your unsigned drivers.

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You have to disable driver signing before installing the beta drivers. Run from an elevated command prompt:

bcdedit -set nointegritychecks ON

It has to be run from an elevated prompt. Reboot then install your unsigned drivers.

Iv'e got the same problem, but, Im afraid Im not familiar with "elevated command prompt". Could you please elaborate on where this is?

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You have to run the command prompt as an administrator - right click on the shortcut and choose run as administrator. Just starting the command prompt when you are a computer administrator is not the same.

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Drivers for sblaster audigy are not ready for vista. Last released beta drivers for vista don't work.

Problem is still persisting and of many workarounds none seem to work, especially to get all 7.1 channel output.

One can easily get 2.1/2 channel output using creative or KX drivers, but beyond that is all failure.

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i agree, the creative drivers will install but 2.1 will be the best you will be able to get, to get the elevated level that is suggest in the above post you need to first right click on the setup.exe file and choose run as administrator.

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Front channel only sound is better than no sound at all! Just running setup.exe elevated will not get the drivers to run on Vista 64 which was what the original poster was asking for.

Edited by Paraglider
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Success! I installed the Windows XP drivers and audio console off Creatives site for my Audigy 2. Everything works fine now, even 5.1 and 7.1 works flawlessly. I just ran the setup file as Administrator.

Now to get the Nvidia Forceware drivers to work properly. :}

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Dude is absolutly right...

I retried the X64 XP drivers and they not only work fine, they work for 5.1 suround sound.

You just need to right slick the setup file and choose "Run as Administrator"...

I have 5.1 surround sound in Vixta x64

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Here's the deal. This method WORKS. If it doesn't work for you, you didn't follow directions properly. I've been running BF2 and COD2 for four days with fully functional 5.1/EAX with no problems.

Here we go:


disable UAC baloney

Control Panel >> User Accounts >> Change security settings >>clear UAC checkbox >>reboot

SECOND STEP: (thanks to Pyr0 @ PlanetAMD64.com)

disable Driver Signing in Vista

To prevent vista from requiring signed drivers:

1. customize the start menu and enable the run command, in the run command box, type cmd

2. enter the following in the command window that appears, to disable driver signature checks:

bcdedit –set nointegritychecks ON

3. reboot the computer

if the "bcdedit –set nointegritychecks ON" does not work, try "bcdedit /set nointegritychecks ON"


download and install the XP 32/64bit driver package 2.08.0004.

DO NOT DOWNLOAD VISTA BETA DRIVERS. THEY ARE NOT FOR BUILD 5384. THEY DO NOT WORK. Too many people in this forum banging their heads against the wall with a useless driver.


run the installer. if you get an error regarding the operating system, stop the installation. if this happens, you'll need to extract the driver package, navigate to the extracted files folder, right-click on "Setup.exe", click "Properties", navigate to Compatibility tab. enabled Compatibility mode for XP SP2, and run the Setup.exe again, this time from the extracted files folder.


xxxeditxxx was not clear enough on the second install xxxxeditxxx

now open Control Panel, open System, open Device Manager and expand "Sound,video and game controllers". Highlight the Audigy, click Properties, go to Driver tab and click Uninstall Driver at the bottom. reboot the computer and when Windows asks you for a driver for your Multimedia Audio Device, tell it to "Don't Ask Me Again". Now run the installer again and reboot.

HERE IS THE TRICK TO KEEPING THE WHOLE THING WORKING....right-click on your sound icon in the system tray, choose "Audio devices", double-click on "Play Control", then navigate to the Configuration tab. Mode will be 2.1 channel by default, change it to whatever you want...5.1, 7.1, etc. use the test to make sure your mode is working properly. Now open Creative Audio Console, where you will see that although "Syncronize with Control Panel" is checked, Audio Console still shows 2.1 channel. LEAVE THIS SETTING ALONE. If you change 2.1 to another mode, you'll lose the subwoofer. If you leave it @ 2.1...your subwoofer will continue working in 4.1/5.1/6.1/7.1 modes. If you accidentally change Audio console to say 5.1 mode and lose bass, simply un-check "Syncronize", reset Creative Audio to 2.1-channel mode and reboot the PC.

now comes the part where you realize all the popping and hissing from your speakers/headphones is actually from the Mic being over-boosted. unplug it, turn it off or turn down the +20dba gain setting, though it may not stay saved.

that's it. you're done.

A nice workaround has been posted at creative forums

This method needs to be given a try!

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