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Avermedia cardbus plus+Winlirc


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Can anyone please explain me, how can I use my remote for Avertv to control different applications. I found that winlirc is a very common program to do that, but i don't understand how to use it. I have winXP and winlirc 0.6.5.

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Those sites were helpful, but i still can't get my remote to work. Is it possible trought a PCMCIA device i have. Winlirc doesn't recognize any buttons from my remote, even if i should have right configuration file(studio 203) from lirc configurations site

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Those sites were helpful, but i still can't get my remote to work. Is it possible trought a PCMCIA device i have. Winlirc doesn't recognize any buttons from my remote

What is device`s name? How it plug to PC ?

Winlirc support native COM-port only.

Also. You can try SlyControl (it is free for xUSSR). Visit http://www.pctuner.ru/list-c-info04.html

Edited by Elektrik
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