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Help with svcpack.inf

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Okay i have had a look around and i apologise now for my noobishness,,,,,,,,basically i cant get my hotfixes to install using the svcpack.inf method, i have followed the main guide and still it does not work....I was just wondering if you guys could have a look and maybe point out the obvious i am missing, thanks in advance....


;Windows XP
Signature="Windows NT$"



KB873339.exe /Q /N /Z
KB885250.exe /Q /N /Z
KB885835.exe /Q /N /Z
KB885836.exe /Q /N /Z
KB886185.exe /Q /N /Z
KB887742.exe /Q /N /Z
KB888113.exe /Q /N /Z
KB888302.exe /Q /N /Z
KB890046.exe /Q /N /Z
KB890859.exe /Q /N /Z
KB891781.exe /Q /N /Z
KB893756.exe /Q /N /Z
KB893803.exe /Q /N /Z
KB894391.exe /Q /N /Z
KB896358.exe /Q /N /Z
KB896422.exe /Q /N /Z
KB896423.exe /Q /N /Z
KB896424.exe /Q /N /Z
KB896428.exe /Q /N /Z
KB898461.exe /Q /N /Z
KB899587.exe /Q /N /Z
KB899589.exe /Q /N /Z
KB899591.exe /Q /N /Z
KB900485.exe /Q /N /Z
KB900725.exe /Q /N /Z
KB901017.exe /Q /N /Z
KB901214.exe /Q /N /Z
KB902400.exe /Q /N /Z
KB904706.exe /Q /N /Z
KB905414.exe /Q /N /Z
KB905749.exe /Q /N /Z
KB908519.exe /Q /N /Z
KB908531.exe /Q /N /Z
KB910437.exe /Q /N /Z
KB911562.exe /Q /N /Z
KB911564.exe /Q /N /Z
KB911565.exe /Q /N /Z
KB911567.exe /Q /N /Z
KB911927.exe /Q /N /Z
KB912812.exe /Q /N /Z
KB912919.exe /Q /N /Z
KB913446.exe /Q /N /Z
KB918530.exe /Q /N /Z

I have qchain.exe in with the rest of the hotfixes.. I have edited dosnet.inf with svcpack.

Any insight into what i am doing wrong here........or am i gonna have to manualy install all of these argh :angry:

Thanks again guys......


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i have a file similar to yours, and it works.

2 things to check:

1. make sure you don't have a file called svcpack.in_ in your 1386 folder, also try this site for guidance: http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/view/web/24/

2. i've neve done anything to dosnet.inf for this to work - maybe undo those changes and see how you get on

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Are you Integrating them using the MS method?

I am trying to get them to install using the svcpack.inf method as described here SVCPACK.INF.

Why not use nLite or the post-SP2 "KBxxxx.exe /Integrate:%XPCD%" switch?

I have played with nlite and it does slip hotfixes fine BUT it edits the txtsetup which i dont wont it too along with some other stuff i dont like. Basically i needed a little more control over what was happening......the "KBxxxx.exe /Integrate:%XPCD%" switch looks interesting though it would probably be better run from a batch or something and do the whole lot.....This might be an option if i cant get the SVCPACK.INF method to work......any other tips help would be much appreciated, ta. ;)

i have a file similar to yours, and it works.

2 things to check:

1. make sure you don't have a file called svcpack.in_ in your 1386 folder, also try this site for guidance: http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/view/web/24/

2. i've neve done anything to dosnet.inf for this to work - maybe undo those changes and see how you get on

Thanks for reply though that is the guide i have used and it does say in it to do the "DOSNET.INF" edit......I will try again without the dosnet.inf edit and see if it makes a difference.....any other help out there would be cool, i would love to get this sorted, just a simple way of integrating or installing these hotfixes......ta

Edit:- Okay i tried installing without the DOSNET.INF edit and its still the same no change, the hotfixes get skipped by at T13. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by loggan26
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I have played with nlite and it does slip hotfixes fine BUT it edits the txtsetup which i dont wont it too along with some other stuff i dont like. Basically i needed a little more control over what was happening......the "KBxxxx.exe /Integrate:%XPCD%" switch looks interesting though it would probably be better run from a batch or something and do the whole lot.....This might be an option if i cant get the SVCPACK.INF method to work......any other tips help would be much appreciated, ta. ;)

That's how I do it.

@echo off
echo Mapping drive...
net use t: %~dp0..

:: Loop through all .exes
for %%a in ("T:\updates\exe\*.exe") do (
echo Integrating %%~na
call "%%~a" /integrate:t: /passive
if not errorlevel 1 (
ren %%~a %%~nxa.done
) else (
echo ERROR installing %%~na

echo Unmapping drive...
net use t: /delete
echo Updates complete, take note of any possible errors above.

edit: However, RyanVM's Integrator is better, since the hotfixes are already installed that way. Saves time during the install...

Edited by fly
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  • 4 months later...

Hi There,

If you don't mind me saying, is'nt the switch supposed to be /Q /O /N /Z ?

I got the hotfixes off the site where they put the win2000, winxp and win2003 server.

And that's were it went wrong with me too. I'm just figuring out howecome the wininstaller 3.1 bugs my sequence of hotfixes to install.

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Hi There,

If you don't mind me saying, is'nt the switch supposed to be /Q /O /N /Z ?

The /O doesn't matter to the actual installation outcome.

In any case these are old switches which have long been superseded by a new set. For the time being you can still use the old ones. Old habits stick, like qchain.

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