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Hello All,

I'd like to set the DirectX debug level to Min or OFF in my unattended installs of Win2K (XP also, if that option exists). I read about this at Techspot:

Lower DirectX Debugging levels

For optimal performance with Application/Games that utilize DirectX API's (Not necessarily Direct3D) you should ensure that Debugging levels are all at a minimum level. Debugging can aid in detecting, locating & correcting errors in an application. This data however is of little use to most users so you should minimize it as a result for best performance.

Does anyone know how to do this? In the article, the DX CPL is used...is this setting controlled by a registry entry? If so, it must be possible to add a REG unattended...

Thanks for your help!


You can use a program such as Advanced Registry Tracer to take a snapshot of the registry before and after such a change, you know. It's probably a lot faster than waiting for someone to post the answer on the off chance anybody knows.

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