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Change Volume License Key

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we own a Volume License MSDN Subscription and installed several Server 2003 in a test environment.

MSDN licenses are intend to use only for non-production system and because we need to move several server now to the production we have to change the key. Usually you can say that as long as you got a license you are sorted, but because of certain audits we got change those codes in the near future.

I know the "trick" to change the key when changing a registry key and running the command C:\WINDOWS\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a

However the VLK version always says that the product has already been activated regardless of the registry change.

Is there a another way to change the keys ?

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Unlike XP, you cannot change the key in Windows 2003 without reinstallation.

bullcrap...you can change any VLK Key on Server 2003 as well as Server 2003 R2


here is a YouSendIt for the program to do it:..but just remember there is NO ACTIVATION when you go from one VLK to another.

or go here for the 1.70 beta RC2 Release


Edited by jroc
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Thanks, but when starting I get


It is so unbelieveable that Microsoft makes it so hard to stay legal ... And reinstalling in a 400+ Server environment .. sure ...

Well thanks again, I will report that to my manager and the rest is up tp him ... we do have licenses at least on paper, that should be more than enough anyway ..

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OK, I guess I should clarify - there's no legal and supported way to change your VLK on Windows Server 2003, unlike XP.

And I know it stinks that MSDN keys are for testing and dev only, but if you're moving an MSDN machine into production technically that violates the license. Since there's no "supported" way to change the key, it requires a reinstallation of Server 2003 to get the key changed in a supported manner.

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OK, I guess I should clarify - there's no legal and supported way to change your VLK on Windows Server 2003, unlike XP.

And I know it stinks that MSDN keys are for testing and dev only, but if you're moving an MSDN machine into production technically that violates the license. Since there's no "supported" way to change the key, it requires a reinstallation of Server 2003 to get the key changed in a supported manner.

Oh dear ... ah well ....time to get my finger dirty with replicating then ..

THanks for clarification ...

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