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n00b questions about applications: Which autorun to use?


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Well, this is one of the best forum online :) I'm done with my first unattended Windows CD - works like a charm.

Now the second step: applications. Unattended installations, switches, bla-bla... But I'm stuck in the beginning...

OK. Here is my idea. There are options to install software thru RunOnce or WPI (which looks great), but I don't want to install during Windows installation. I want to be able to insert CD in PC with installed XP or just installed, mark checkboxes, hit start, and wait... ;)

What options do I have? Use any Autorun building software? And just run setups with switches?

I want to gain freedom to install software any time... What do I loose not using RunOnce or WPI.

Why so many people try to install everything during Windows setup like maniacs? Am I missing smth? :)

I need just a direction to start my move :))


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Thank you for a tip :) I thought I can run it only during/after(?) installtion. Will try to make it work tomorrow. WPI meets all my requirements I guess. I was just surfing around trying to make the list of possible solutions. I guees I'll pay more attention to WPI now.

Thank you. ;)

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I simply use RunOnceEx, set to install from CD. All my apps are on a separate DVD. My RunOnceEx.cmd has a semicolon heading each line, and the command is deployed in the $OEM$\$1 folder. After XP installs, I simply plug in my application disk. My CMD resides in the C: drive, waiting for me to select my desired programs (by removing the applicable semicolons). Then I execute the command and reboot. It's the closest thing to a GUI with checkboxes that I can think of.

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what about YAWI?

Simple, small, useful :)

You have to have the YAWI.EXE and YAWI.INI in the same Directory as the EXE Silent Installers, edit the INI file before (there are comments for everything) and when you run the YAWI.EXE afterwards, you are able to select what to install.

It is possible to add Installers into Schemes (for multiple users with multiple needs) and checking for Groups (meaning you have two separate Installers for the same Prog, but with different setup - e.g. Office with Word and Excel only and Office with everything - and if you select one of the Installers, the other one(s) get unchecked automatically...)

Try it!

BTW, the Autor himself uses it for initial Windows Startup of Programs he wants....

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netager - I install software during the os setup because this is equivalent to our standard install at my company. This includes Office and some other programs that all users get. Other programs are installed via group policy or other methods.

Cheers. :hello:

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