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It's Official! Windows XP Boots on Macbook!


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how did such a harmless joke become such a big issue? Lets stick to the topic of the picture, its a joke. What ever happened to HAHA?

@shostakovich - just let it go, before you get banned

Edited by wolf74481
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HAHA.. this is priceless

"The problem with Sites like this are the small,ridiculously closed minds that can't appreciate anything. If you dont like the project, just dont post anything. As for the 12 year old that has been posting the last comments, please, and I really mean the "please", grow up. Go play with something other than the Internet because this is definitely not the place for you." - with thanks to Gouki at plastk.net for summing it all up so succinctly . . . THAT ,MR XPER IS HOW NOT TO PLAGIARISE OTHER PEOPLES POSTS.

You sir.. Just shot yourself, ironically how you posted something like that and your having a hissy fit :lol:

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