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[question] Hotkeys for contexts instead?

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Hi, if u all know already there are hotkeys for opening programs. well is there a hotkeys for contexts for file types, New Folders?

for explame: ctrl+shift+N = New Folder.

is a program that will help me this to map the context and file types?

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Perhaps have a try with Autohotkey


Helped me alot to improve the usability of my system.

Here is a project for a nicely preconfigured Autohotkey environment with a few quite useful additions


Unfortunately the homepage of the project http://www.heise.de/ct/ftp/05/22/210/ is in german, but the programm is in english.

The download refers to a standalone running program, the activeaid.zip containing the sourcefiles also is available on the homepage.

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Unfortunately the homepage of the project http://www.heise.de/ct/ftp/05/22/210/ is in german, but the programm is in english.

The download refers to a standalone running program, the activeaid.zip containing the sourcefiles also is available on the homepage.

isn't that real messed up with the web site beeing in german?

they need the website to be in english.

they need to correct that porblem with the website. :whistle:

thank you for posting the programs. :thumbup

Edited by kurt476
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