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[HOWTO] Unattended CD with BartPE

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I have one BIG problem:

If I start the "D:\I386\winnt32.exe" in the BartPE then the installation of win xp will install on the

USB flash stick (D:) and not on the local harddrive (C:).

Is there any possibility to install the win xp onto the local harddrive (C:)???

I think these switches are what you need:

D:\I386\WINNT32.exe /tempdrive:C:\ /unattend:D:\I386\winnt.sif

They can be used via a batch file, however.

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Can somebody please show me there folder structure so i can see where mine is wrong as really would like to understand how this all works.

As stated i can do a CD & RIS and have installed bartpe and created diskpart files.

Thank you

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Can somebody please show me there folder structure so i can see where mine is wrong as really would like to understand how this all works.

As stated i can do a CD & RIS and have installed bartpe and created diskpart files.

Actually, the bartPE CD and the UaXPCD *ARE* 2 separate things (and both have a I386 folder, although quite different one from the other).

You can have your UaXPCD folder wherever you want: on the bartPE disk or on a partition of your HD, or on a USB drive or on a remote share that you connect to, etc.

Installing windows from BartPE is then just a matter of running winnt32.exe from where it is (in your UaXPCD folder).

In my case, I have a (almost-)normal bartPE CD. On it I have a script that connects to a network drive:

NET USE Z: \\Dje\XPCD /user:nodomain\install install

and then run winnt32.exe from where it is on Z:

Z:\I386\WINNT32.EXE /unattend:Z:\I386\WINNT.SIF /tempdrive:c:

That's all! (well no, the whole thing is more sophisticated than this, with a lot of cool scripts to automate and customize things, but ultimately, it breaks down to this).

I'm running it like this since months.

If your UaXPCD folder is on the bartPE disk (X:) then you don't need the 'NET USE ...' command and would just run:

X:\UaXPCD\I386\WINNT32.EXE /unattend:X:\UaXPCD\I386\WINNT.SIF /tempdrive:c:

(Not tested) You may even not need the '/tempdrive:c:' option in this case.

For the $OEM$ thing, the point not to forget (at least when making a local source) is:

either put the $OEM$ folder INSIDE I386, or use OEMFilesPath=..\$OEM$ in the [unattended] section of winnt.sif

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