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[Help] - XP will not restart after going into standby?


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Hello folks, :hello:

This PC I'm working on at the moment will not restart after going into standby. When I hit the keyboard/click the mouse to start it up, the PC powers up, the fans spin, but there is no power light, no HDD light, no display and does not respond to anything! I have to pull the plug out of the PSU to get it out of this state.

I have looked into doing a BIOS upgrade but it already has the latest installed (Ironically, the latest BIOS version is not on the manufacturers website) and have tried turning off then re-enabling standby/hibernation settings in Windows. Hibernation works fine, but standby has this fault.

Does anyone have any suggestion as I'm at a loss. My next step will be to reinstall XP but I doubt it will fix the problem.

Thanks in advance.

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i know some programs can veto the system from going INTO standby but i dont know why it would no come out of standby, its probably a hardware configuration problem. ask Zxian or Sonic, they might know

Edited by wolf74481
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have this same problem.

I have a ghost image that I can reimage my computer from to restore standby functionality ... but I noticed that after I connect to the internet I can't resume from standby.

any suggestions on how to go about attacking the problem?

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What are the specs of the system that you have?

Have you checked that you have the latest video drivers? Standby and Hibernation both require proper video drivers to be installed in order for them to function.

Also, check in your BIOS to see if there is any Standby level setting. I think that for most computers, if there is an option, the choices are S1 and S3 (don't quote me on that). If you have the option, try changing the standby level and see if there is any difference.

Also, in future, it's better if you press and hold the power button for 4-5 seconds instead of pulling the power cord out. Doing so powers off the computer internally, instead of suddenly removing the power from everything altogether.

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