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Good Day everyone,

I am having a serious problem with finalizing my website design. I have now completed my website 3 times all if different ways and I can not get it correct. Here's my problem...

I have been designing my website on my laptop with a 17 inch screen, when I save the website and then load it on a my older laptop with only a 15 inch screen everything looks horrible. Mainly everything is now off centered and mostly off the page. I also tried to design my site starting on the 15 inch screen and moving to the 17 inch screen but still same problem. Everything looks great on my computer, but when I switch it over everything looks horrible. Why do I do this you might as? Well everyone doesn't have the same monitor and i need it to look good for all who view it.

I talked to a friend of mine who told me that I need to use Tables and so forth, well that worked great for the table. I inserted a table and set it to be centered in the screen, which moves to be centered at all times, but the problem is that nothing else moves with the table. I figured that once I put a table in, and if I add text boxes and graphics inside that table, the items that I drag inside the table would have the same characteristics as the table but no. The table moves as I stated to be in the middle of the screen, but nothing else does. LOOKS HORRIBLE.

So please can anyone help me get my website centered. If you don't know what I'm talkking about check out my buddies site. www.noahgarrett.com

That's what I mean, how there is a background color, then what looks like a table centered in the page.



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one of the problems with WYSIWYG editors is that they write sloppy code and it's really easy to make it worse and worse once a mistake is made. i don't know how to write much HTML/JS or any language either, so i try to be very careful how i edit. the KISS (keep it simple stupid) rule is good advise. my advise would be to look at your source code and try to find the problems. if you keep the pages simple, everything should work fine regardless of the resolution. although i haven't built any projects with it yet, i started playing with NVU and it seems OK.

maybe these can be of use also:




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FrontPage 2003 doesn't mess with your code nearly as much as previous versions did...even when use WYSIWYG mode. That's just something that people who used the early versions and hated it still like to say. :)

The split mode in 2003 where you can view the WYSIWYG mode and HTML mode at the same time is nice. It'll also show you that FP2003 doesn't jack with your code. The next version will be even better about it (from what little bit I've played with FP "12" it's going to be leaps and bounds above even 2003).


We need to see your site in order to tell you how to fix it. It's hard to explain how to fix your code without looking at how you're coding it. :)

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