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I saw it was possible to have a background image during install, now I saw the background images weren't working during the T-12 installation (via cmdlines.txt). I'm using the XPlodeGFXInstall.x4d for XPlode4.

this is what i have:

<window width='420' height='410' position='5' background="#XPLODE#\images\install.gif" />

the install.gif file is in the images folder.

What I saw is that if I use the example file that comes with XPlode, the background image isn't shown either!

Could it be that it is impossible to have a background image at this time of setup?

Also, if it's impossible, is it possible to have a background color or something, because now my XPlode lines are shown before the default win install text.

thx in advance!



This is the log file, created by XPlode:

>>> Log session start at: 2005/12/27 12:46:19
Reading environment variables from XML
#DISPLAY.TITLE# = 'XPlode Installation'
#DISPLAY.COMPLETE# = 'voltooid'
#ACCTMGMT.ADDUSER# = 'Gebruiker toevoegen: #1#'
#ACCTMGMT.DELUSER# = 'Gebruiker verwijderen: #1#'
#ACCTMGMT.ADDGROUP# = 'Groep toevoegen: #1#'
#ACCTMGMT.DELGROUP# = 'Groep verwijderen: #1#'
#EXECUTE.STRING# = 'Executing: #1#'
#MISC.SFCOS-DISABLE# = 'Disabling Windows File Protection'
#MISC.SFCOS-ENABLE# = 'Enabling Windows File Protection'
#MISC.NETSTART# = 'Starting #1#'
#MISC.NETSTOP# = 'Stopping #1#'
#MISC.SLEEP# = 'Sleeping for #1# seconds'
#REGISTRY.READ# = 'Reading from registry'
#REGISTRY.WRITE# = 'Writing to registry'
#FILEIO.COPY# = 'Copying: #1# to #2# (#3# of #4#, #5# of #6#)'
#FILEIO.MOVE# = 'Moving: #1# to #2# (#3# of #4#, #5# of #6#)'
#FILEIO.DELETE# = 'Deleting: #1# from #2# (#4#)'
#FILEIO.RENAME# = 'Renaming: #1# to #2#'
#FILEIO.SHORTCUT# = 'Creating shortcut to #1#'
#FILEIO.RMDIR# = 'Deleting: #1# from #2# (#4\)'
#FILEIO.MKDIR# = 'Creating directory: #1#'
Reading tokens from XML
Username: Jeroen
Domain: HOME
Password: *****
Username: medXion
Domain: HOME
Password: *****
Active environment variables
#ACCTMGMT.ADDGROUP# = 'Groep toevoegen: #1#'
#ACCTMGMT.ADDUSER# = 'Gebruiker toevoegen: #1#'
#ACCTMGMT.DELGROUP# = 'Groep verwijderen: #1#'
#ACCTMGMT.DELUSER# = 'Gebruiker verwijderen: #1#'
#ALLUSERSPROFILE# = 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users'
#CLUSTERLOG# = 'C:\WINDOWS\Cluster\cluster.log'
#COMMONPROGRAMFILES# = 'C:\Program Files\Common Files'
#COMMON_APPDATA# = 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data'
#COMMON_DESKTOP# = 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop'
#COMMON_DOCS# = 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents'
#COMMON_FAVORITES# = 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Favorites'
#COMMON_STARTMENU# = 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu'
#COMMON_TEMPLATES# = 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Templates'
#COMSPEC# = '%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe'
#DEFAULTUSERPROFILE# = 'C:\Documents and Settings\Default User'
#DISPLAY.COMPLETE# = 'voltooid'
#DISPLAY.TITLE# = 'XPlode Installation'
#EXECUTE.STRING# = 'Executing: #1#'
#FILEIO.COPY# = 'Copying: #1# to #2# (#3# of #4#, #5# of #6#)'
#FILEIO.DELETE# = 'Deleting: #1# from #2# (#4#)'
#FILEIO.MKDIR# = 'Creating directory: #1#'
#FILEIO.MOVE# = 'Moving: #1# to #2# (#3# of #4#, #5# of #6#)'
#FILEIO.RENAME# = 'Renaming: #1# to #2#'
#FILEIO.RMDIR# = 'Deleting: #1# from #2# (#4\)'
#FILEIO.SHORTCUT# = 'Creating shortcut to #1#'
#MISC.NETSTART# = 'Starting #1#'
#MISC.NETSTOP# = 'Stopping #1#'
#MISC.SFCOS-DISABLE# = 'Disabling Windows File Protection'
#MISC.SFCOS-ENABLE# = 'Enabling Windows File Protection'
#MISC.SLEEP# = 'Sleeping for #1# seconds'
#OS# = 'Windows_NT'
#PATH# = '%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem'
#PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER# = 'x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 8, GenuineIntel'
#PROFILES# = 'C:\Documents and Settings'
#PROGRAMFILES# = 'C:\Program Files'
#REGISTRY.READ# = 'Reading from registry'
#REGISTRY.WRITE# = 'Writing to registry'
#SOURCEPATH# = 'D:\I386'
#TEMP# = '%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp'
#TMP# = '%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp'
#UPGRADE# = 'False'
#USERPROFILE# = 'C:\Documents and Settings\Default User'
#VERSION# = '4.3.51210.1523'
#WINDIR# = '%SystemRoot%'
#XML.FILE# = 'D:\$OEM$\$1\Install\XPlode\XPlode.xml'
#XML.PATH# = 'D:\$OEM$\$1\Install\XPlode\'
#XPLODE# = 'D:\$OEM$\$1\Install\XPlode'
#XPLODE.BASE# = 'D:\$OEM$\$1\Install\XPlode'
Loading XPlode plugins
Loading display plugin: 'D:\$OEM$\$1\Install\XPlode\XPlodeGFXInstall.x4d'
Plugin load successful: 'D:\$OEM$\$1\Install\XPlode\XPlodeGFXInstall.x4d'
Loading effects plugins
Plugin load successful: 'D:\$OEM$\$1\Install\XPlode\XPlodeRegistry.x4e'
Plugin load successful: 'D:\$OEM$\$1\Install\XPlode\XPlodeMisc.x4e'
Plugin load successful: 'D:\$OEM$\$1\Install\XPlode\XPlodeFileOps.x4e'
Plugin load successful: 'D:\$OEM$\$1\Install\XPlode\XPlodeExecute.x4e'
Plugin load successful: 'D:\$OEM$\$1\Install\XPlode\XPlodeAcctMgmt.x4e'
Registering XPlode commands
Registering commands in 'D:\$OEM$\$1\Install\XPlode\XPlodeRegistry.x4e'
Command registered: <registry ... />
Registering commands in 'D:\$OEM$\$1\Install\XPlode\XPlodeMisc.x4e'
Command registered: <sfcos-enable ... />
Command registered: <sfcos-disable ... />
Command registered: <netstart ... />
Command registered: <netstop ... />
Command registered: <hidewindow ... />
Command registered: <showwindow ... />
Command registered: <sleep ... />
Registering commands in 'D:\$OEM$\$1\Install\XPlode\XPlodeFileOps.x4e'
Command registered: <fileio-copy ... />
Command registered: <fileio-move ... />
Command registered: <fileio-delete ... />
Command registered: <fileio-rename ... />
Command registered: <fileio-rmdir ... />
Command registered: <fileio-mkdir ... />
Command registered: <fileio-shortcut ... />
Registering commands in 'D:\$OEM$\$1\Install\XPlode\XPlodeExecute.x4e'
Command registered: <execute ... />
Registering commands in 'D:\$OEM$\$1\Install\XPlode\XPlodeAcctMgmt.x4e'
Command registered: <adduser ... />
Command registered: <addgroup ... />
Command registered: <deluser ... />
Command registered: <delgroup ... />
Executing tag: 'XPlode4(0).pre-execute(0).hidewindow(0)'
Error during execution: Window not found..
Spawning display plugin
Install log: Starting dialog
Install log: Execution thread
Executing tag: 'XPlode4(0).items(0).item(0).execute(0)'
Install log: Running: 'C:\Install\Apps\BSPlayer_1.37.826.exe /S'
Install log: Invalid background graphic - needs to be a PNG-24 with alpha transparency (D:\$OEM$\$1\Install\XPlode\images\install.gif)
Executing tag: 'XPlode4(0).post-execute(0).showwindow(0)'
Error during execution: Window not found..
>>> Log session end at: 2005/12/27 12:46:54

Install log: Invalid background graphic - needs to be a PNG-24 with alpha transparency

Think this is what I'm doing wrong. I tried with a PNG file first, but it didn't seem to work too, will have a look how to make it PNG-24 (with photoshop or something).

Sorry for asking here :P didn't think about looking in the log file :blushing:


Everyone that first starts using XPlode neglects the logfile :P

Always check the logfile if you're getting problems - and if there are ever any problems with parsing the XML, open it in IE or Firefox. (Just thought I'd add that for when you DO screw it up :P)

Posted (edited)

Install log: Invalid background graphic - needs to be a PNG-24 with alpha transparency (D:\$OEM$\$1\Install\XPlode\images\install.png)

Getting the same error. I saved my image file as an PNG-24 file with alpha transparency.

The ps.jpg file is the photoshop save file (in my eyes, i'm not doing anything wrong)

the install.png file is the install.png file I let XPlode open. Maybe there is somebody who can check if it's really a PNG-24 file?



EDIT: Forgot the attachments, sorry :)



Edited by Jeroeneke
Posted (edited)
Install log: Invalid background graphic - needs to be a PNG-24 with alpha transparency (D:\$OEM$\$1\Install\XPlode\images\install.png)

Getting the same error. I saved my image file as an PNG-24 file with alpha transparency.

The ps.jpg file is the photoshop save file (in my eyes, i'm not doing anything wrong)

the install.png file is the install.png file I let XPlode open. Maybe there is somebody who can check if it's really a PNG-24 file?



EDIT: Forgot the attachments, sorry :)

Try the attached image. I haven't tested it myself though, so I don't know.

XPlode isn't in a runnable state at the moment :P


Edited by Wraith
Posted (edited)

What did you do else? Did you checked the interlaced box? (as your fil is about 3kb bigger)

At first sight, it doesn't seem to work! Will see the log file when Win2003 is installed.

hehe lol, I have time for testing at the moment (it's 1:44 AM atm, but I can't sleep :P ) I will take a snapshot of my 2003 installed, so I don't need to install everything from T-12 stage (this is where my snapshot is now).

Edited by Jeroeneke

I opened it with paint shop pro, saved it again and used the "optimiser" - I had to add an alpha-channel. Don't know if photoshop does it that way or not, haven't used it.


I'm still getting the same error (using your file)

btw: if I save my image with the interlaced box checked, it get's the same size as yours, so I think it has the same option.

Posted (edited)

its because of the bit depth diffrence.. I made a background very similar to yours by doing the following..

1. Start up Photoshop

2. New Image

3. Size 420 Width & 410 Height

4. Made the gradient

5. File -> Save as

6. PNG named it gfxinstall.png

7. put it in my XPLode\images folder

only diffrence between yours and mine, jeroen is the bit diffrences.. the original one is 32 bit, mine is 32 bit, and yours is 24 bit..

heres mine.. gotta rename it from gfxinstall1zm.png to gfxinstall.png


Edited by Bi0haZarD

Err, your file works for me, but I can't make one for myself! It never works if I do what you say :S

and the problem is, I saw the background should be a little bigger (460width should be ok, the height is good)

did you do anything else to make that file ?




Err, I'm having something quite strange now :S

The backround is not shown while the windows installation, but if windows is installed completely and I run XPlode, the background is shown!

I'm not running another XPlode or something, it's both the same!

Posted (edited)

Err, I think I found the problem, I have removed the install.png file from my XPlode images dir, and than ran XPlode while installation, and the log error I'm getting is the same as all the ones I had before, so I think if XPlode doesn't find the file it gives that log.

EDIT: fixed making the background using your image an using paint lol

Edited by Jeroeneke

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