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Sorting files by NAME


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How could windows sort this files by their full name instead of just the first number in the name?


btw. these files have incorrect date stamps so if I choose to sort them by DATE MODIFIED they wouldn't be sorted correctly.

Edited by BigDaddy
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Try viewing by details and then click on the header for the date column.

Click on View in the explorer menu then Details.

As I already stated that the date stamp on this files is wrong. Since they are coppied from an USB drive the DATE STAMP says only the date when the files were transfered from USB to HDD.

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You changed the question didn't you. The answer is basically the same instead of clicking on the date column click on the name column. Or right-click in the window and select Arrange Icons By Name but the items you are showing are sorted. What exactly do you want to do?

Edited by KAndle
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No they are not.

Look aT:

08112005.WAV -->IS B4

But it should be reverse.

Since eleventh month(november) is after second month(february)

Didn't change the question just tried to make it clearer. I have a really hard time to explain U the nature of my problem. I hope the above example clears it a little

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