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Install Slipstreamed Framework give me a error

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I don't understand the differences between my program and Tomcat76's program.

In a nutshell, my program (available here):

msiexec /a "C:\Temp1\dotnetfx\netfx.msi" TARGETDIR="C:\DotNetFinal" /qn
msiexec /p "C:\Temp1\NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86\S867460.msp" /a "C:\DotNetFinal\netfx.msi" /qn
msiexec /p "C:\Temp1\NDP1.1sp1-KB886903-X86\M886903.msp" /a "C:\DotNetFinal\netfx.msi" /qn
msiexec /a "C:\Temp1\langpack\langpack.msi" TARGETDIR="C:\DotNetFinal" /qn

His program:

msiexec /a %TmpDir%\netfx.msi TARGETDIR="%BuildDir%" /qb-!
msiexec /p %TmpDir%\S867460.msp /a DNF11\netfx.msi /qb-!
msiexec /p %TmpDir%\M886903.msp /a DNF11\netfx.msi /qb-!
msiexec /a %TmpDir%\langpack.msi TARGETDIR="%BuildDir%" /qb-!

I do not see a difference between how the executables are integrated into the admin install.


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What's in your Comment.txt? The language pack needs to be installed as well because it doesn't replace any files; it's just a bunch of new files.

If the language pack is used, this is executed by the silent installer in my thread:

StartX.exe /wait "msiexec /i netfx.msi /qn /norestart"

StartX.exe /wait "msiexec /i langpack.msi /qn"

StartX.exe /wait "regedit -s patch.reg"

Edited by Tomcat76
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That's it! Dude thanks, I did not see that langpack.msi was created inside of the administrative install point.

I fixed my program now. Many Thanks to Tomcat76.

I added another sfx command to execute langpack.msi.

My completed program is available here.


Thanks again to everyone who helped me to complete this program.

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