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Install Slipstreamed Framework give me a error

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i have maked a Slipstreamed with a howto i read somewhere at this forum. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...533;entry411917

i have rewrite that howto to dutch and i thought i was ready and it works but when i try to install this by WPI i got a error:"cant find setup.exe". i dont understand why he is searching to a setup.exe because i dont have written something about setup.exe?

i launch it without any switches and use everything as described in the howto.

edit: i have clicked on it manualy and after 100% unzipping i get the error cant find setup.exe again... i am very unsure what i have done wrong...

Edited by SolidasRock
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Are you calling the msi or the setup.exe, post your config.txt.

i call nothing? this is how i do. this is a translate from bitmonster, then dzuibek, then i.

dziubek got this small guide from bitmonster and now i get this from him (also thnks :) ) and upgraded his batchfile too.

Here is a small guide how to create your own install

.NET Framework 1.1 + .Net Framework 1.1 SP1 + KB886903 hotfix

if English is not your language, change the language in your language. (The mine is Dutch, so i change them to dutch) :

1. Get the .NET framework v1.1 re-distributable package and put it in a folder, let us called it FRAMEWORK.

2a. Get the .NET framework v1.1 SP1 update and put it in the same folder as above.

2b. Also get the NDP1.1sp1-KB886903-X86.exe hotfix here

3. Get 7-Zip and install it. Open the folder where 7-zip has installed and grab the 7za.exe. (i choose for the nonBeta to be sure to get a stable installer)

You also need the 7zsNOGUI.sfx, get it here(7zS NoGUI-> and rename the 7zSNOGUI.sfx to 7zS.sfx) and copy them both to your folder. You can deinstall 7-Zip now if you want.

4. Get the UPX-package (Win32 console version), unpack it and copy the upx.exe to your folder

5. Get the StartX-package, grab the StartX.exe out of the archive (you find it in the 'Release' folder) and move it to your folder.

6. Make a new batch-file in your folder, name it make.bat and paste the following text into it:

The next code is to create a netfxsp1NL packet because my language is dutch, if your language is Polish for example, rewrite all the NL to PL.

SET TmpDir=%~dp0tmp
SET BuildDir=%~dp0build\
CD "%~p0"
MD "%TmpDir%"
MD "%BuildDir%"
MD "%BuildDir%netfxsp1NL"
START /wait dotnetfx.exe /C /T:"%TmpDir%"
START /wait NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exe /XP:"%TmpDir%"
START /wait NDP1.1sp1-KB886903-X86.exe /XP:"%TmpDir%"
CD "%TmpDir%"
START /wait msiexec /a netfx.msi TARGETDIR="%BuildDir%netfxsp1NL" /QB
START /wait msiexec /p S867460.msp /a "%BuildDir%netfxsp1NL\netfx.msi"
START /wait msiexec /p M886903.msp /a "%BuildDir%netfxsp1NL\netfx.msi"

RMDIR /S /Q tmp
COPY StartX.exe "%BuildDir%StartX.exe"
CD "%BuildDir%"
ECHO START /WAIT /Dnetfxsp1NL msiexec.exe /i netfx.msi /qb>install.bat

SET Target=langpack
IF EXIST %Target%.exe CALL :make_add

CD "%BuildDir%"
..\7za.exe a "%~dp0netfxsp1NL.7z" -r -mx=7 -mfb=255 -md=48m *
RMDIR /S /Q "%BuildDir%"
COPY 7zS.sfx 7zSC.sfx
upx.exe 7zSC.sfx
ECHO RunProgram="StartX.exe /WAIT /B \"install.bat\"">>config.txt
COPY /b 7zSC.sfx + config.txt + netfxsp1NL.7z netfxsp1NL.exe
DEL 7zSC.sfx
DEL config.txt
DEL netfxsp1NL.7z

MD "%TmpDir%"
MD "%BuildDir%%Target%"
START /wait %Target%.exe /C /T:"%TmpDir%"
CD "%TmpDir%"
SET MsiName=
FOR %%I in (*.*) DO IF /I "%%~xI" == ".MSI" SET MsiName=%%I
START /wait msiexec /a "%MsiName%" TARGETDIR="%BuildDir%%Target%" /QB
RMDIR /S /Q tmp
CD "%BuildDir%"
ECHO START /WAIT /D%Target% msiexec.exe /i "%MsiName%" /qb>>install.bat

Now you should have the following files in your folder:


Start the make.bat and wait 2 minutes. At the end you should have a netfxsp1NL.exe in your folder with a size of about 11,7 MB.

You can run this standalone file through svcpack.inf or any other batch without any commandline switches. But if you use a batch instead of svcpack.inf you should use the start-command:


EDIT: when downloading the hotfix KB886903, you will get the KB886904, i have fixed the url. sorry for the convience... :(

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I've had issues slipstreaming the .net framework in the past, and have given up on slipstreaming this package altogether due to the headaches it can cause if the install doesn't go well. I've resorted to installing this in a script that runs from the [setupParams] section of winnt.sif (T-9), using the following switches to install the .Net Framework 1.1, SP1, and the post-SP1 hotfix:

%sourcepath%unattend\dotnetfx\dotnetfx.exe /q:a /c:"install /l /q"

%sourcepath%unattend\dotnetfx\867460.exe /q

%sourcepath%unattend\dotnetfx\886903.exe /q

Note that the files are in the \Unattend folder at the root of my install CD, or at the root of my RIS install source and these work 100% of the time.

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Ok, I have completed a similar tutorial and made my own Framework 1.1. I know I may not be helping the problem any, but I use WinRAR instead of 7zip. I know everyone loves to use 7-zip, but the code is too complex for me. I create an SFX RAR with the best compression and for the comment, I type:

;The comment below contains SFX script commands

Setup=netfx.msi /qn



The guide I used was at http://www.msfn.org/board/lofiversion/index.php/t40788.html

I created a CMD (just copy and pasted from the above article and minor modifications) and all you have to do is place the three files with the original names on the desktop and run the file. The file will integrate both hotfixes into a folder named "DotNetFinal" on the desktop.

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Ok, I have completed a similar tutorial and made my own Framework 1.1. I know I may not be helping the problem any, but I use WinRAR instead of 7zip. I know everyone loves to use 7-zip, but the code is too complex for me. I create an SFX RAR with the best compression and for the comment, I type:

;The comment below contains SFX script commands

Setup=netfx.msi /qn



The guide I used was at http://www.msfn.org/board/lofiversion/index.php/t40788.html

I created a CMD (just copy and pasted from the above article and minor modifications) and all you have to do is place the three files with the original names on the desktop and run the file. The file will integrate both hotfixes into a folder named "DotNetFinal" on the desktop.

Thanks! can you also add a languagepack to your cmd? can you also tell me how big your SFX is? Also do these updates appears in remove/add softwarelist?

Edited by SolidasRock
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Why don't you just use Ryan's?

if you are talking to me: i use DUTCH Framework, and dislike to see a part of my windows is in english....

if you are talking to JASpurier: next time quote him so there is no misundastood anymore... maybe he want to do SELF and he isnt lazy, maybe he dont know RYANVM packs...

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The reason I don't use RyanVM is because sometimes it is better to design your own programs. Don't get me wrong, Ryan has worked unbelievably hard to put out his update pack for everyone and it is awesome, but in order to gain experience, you have to do things yourself.

Now, I finished my new CMD (and converted it to an exe). I added Language Pack support. I also wrapped it in a nice SFX that will automate everything. All you have to do is place the 3 main files and the langpack.exe (if applicable) on your DESKTOP and run the exe. I have only tested it on Windows XP. This program creates an Unattended .NET Framework v1.1 fully updated switchless installer that can be run during Windows XP Installation and in any language.

Just place the following files on your desktop:




-langpack.exe (if applicable)

If you would like me to port it to allow it to run on older version of Windows, just let me now. Enjoy!



P.S. I got a message about the language pack when i integrated it (check picture). It is in Dutch so I hope it said "Language Pack Successfully Integrated." Please let me know. Thanks


Edited by JASpurrier3
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