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Partition unattend.txt

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Hello everyone.

I haven't created an unattend.txt for a while. I have got my file working nicely except for the following.

I would like to build a system, with 3 partitions. Limiting the system partition to 10GB. I don`t believe its possible to customer the partitioning info. Just all or nothing.

Any ideas?

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Look into Microsoft's diskpart.exe utility. You can use it to create and size all sizes and types of partitions for your installation. It is free, there is lots of stuff on the web on how to use it.

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  • 1 month later...
Hello everyone.

I haven't created an unattend.txt for a while. I have got my file working nicely except for the following.

I would like to build a system, with 3 partitions. Limiting the system partition to 10GB. I don`t believe its possible to customer the partitioning info. Just all or nothing.

Any ideas?

It is indeed possible...found a good explanation on the forum here once, but you won't have a lot of luck using the forum's integrated search...use the google search instead...

Anyway, as for autopartitioning your hard drive with winnt.sif...here's a quick starter...

Autopartition = 1
MsDosInitiated = 0
UnattendedInstall = Yes
OemDrivers = OemInfFiles

UnattendMode = DefaultHide
UnattendSwitch = No
OemPreinstall = Yes
OemSkipEula = Yes
Repartition = Yes
WaitForReboot = No
NoWaitAfterTextMode = 1
NoWaitAfterGUIMode = 1
DriverSigningPolicy = Ignore
NonDriverSigningPolicy = Ignore

Disk1 = "Disk1.config"

Size1 = "*"
PartitionType1 = "primary"
FileSystem1 = "ntfs"
Quickformat1 = "yes"

Notice under Disk1.config you have Size1.

Leaving it as an asterix means it will reformat the entire hard drive and use it as a single partition.

You can specify the size here (in MB) of the partition size you'd like. So in your case it would be


As for adding other paritions, I think that you would have to do something like this...

Disk1 = "Disk1.config"
Disk2 = "Disk2.config"
Disk3 = "Disk3.config"

Size1 = "10000"
PartitionType1 = "primary"
FileSystem1 = "ntfs"
Quickformat1 = "yes"

Size2 = "10000"
PartitionType2 = "logical"
FileSystem2 = "ntfs"
Quickformat2 = "yes"

If at all possible, I would test this with Virtual PC or VMWare before potentially screwing up your system.

I know that the first part is right for autopartitioning, but I'm not entirely sure whether or not i have the code right for adding more partitions.

Edited by tkmadison
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Wow, i've been looking for somthing as easy as this for years!

I did manage to do it manually a long time ago, but have forgotten how now. I hope the above works.

If anyone knows where that orginal post thats mentioned is, please post a link, i can't find it for looking!



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