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Posted (edited)

Active Desktop Portal Beta




This is based on tehDesk by BetaGuyGZT. It will soon be a complete PHP desktop portal, giving you everything from news to weather to forum updates. The final version will come with several templates.


Smarty Templating System

Compact, low-footprint server and database

Links to common folders and programs

Firefox style Search Box (needs work, but exists in concept)

Control WinAMP and Windows Media Player from your desktop

Forum plugins (latest topics, number of topics since last visit, new messages) - phpBB, IPB, vBB

Coming Soon

Weather & Weather Alerts

Local Theater Listings

Local Gas Prices

RSS Feeds (including news and blogs)

Yahoo, Hotmail, GMail, and AOL integration

Remote Blog Posting


Address Book




All-in-one desktop, explorer, and web view themes

Control EMule, Azureus, and WinAMP from your desktop

Display Coolmon stats on your desktop

Shopping List


Big security risk including many files on separate servers

Need to do a check for including subscriptions - do not include if number of MySQL rows that are enabled is equal to zero

This is designed primarily on Windows XP, but will be optimised before final release to run on Windows NT/95 and up with IE 4 and up. It uses Windows built-in Active Desktop technology to give you a dynamic portal. Might not work on Windows XP x64.

Alright, since I just got this mostly bug free, I decided to post it. I went through and converted all HTML files to templates, fixed some errors in pages (</body> before <body>, <body> after page content, text size, etc.), organized the pages, changed all the links (to work from a server instead of the local computer), and some other misc tweaks. I also, of course, had to set up the server and MySQL on ports and addresses people likely won't use ( for the main files, port 50387 for MySQL, and for the web server interface), and get the registry tweaks figured out.


If you are upgrading, first run \windows\web\server\Stop.cmd. Download the file, extract to your \Windows\Web directory, execute Active Desktop Portal.reg (but NOT the other registry patch, that will likely screw up your PC), run Url-run-Setup.exe in server\htdocs\KickerFiles, and run Start.cmd in the Server directory. MySQL and the web server have been set up to start silently with your PC (and named to be easily recognizable in Task Manager). The page appears as an active desktop object filling the entire desktop, hides your icons, and locks web content on your desktop. The patch will also add tweaks to help enable Web View in folders (hopefully a future feature), and disables the IE click noise.

To install the ADP script for your forum, upload the adp folder in the server\forum mods\ folder to your phpBB or IPB directory (i.e. mysite.com/phpbb2/adp/adp.php should exist). Open subscribe.php to subscribe to your forum. Feel free to look the code over.

Download (Nov. 4, 2005)


Home Page

phpBB subscription mod

IPB subscription mod

Edited by expert01


thx m8

dang I hate rapidshare...anyone else? Here's a hack around the timer. After clicking on that free button when you see the timer start, put this and hit go in your browser's addressbar--BOOYA!:

javascript: c=0; void(0);

Posted (edited)

Updated topic. Latest version, includes info on subscribing to a PHPBB Forum

Edited by expert01

Updated new download. Has IPB and PHPBB server side scripts, and it works correctly with no or multiple forum subscriptions.

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