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Why won't Server 2003 see my External Dard Drives?


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I have pluged my external hard drive into my server box through firewire and USB and it does not show up at all. Is this it a defalut Security thing that is perventing the external drive from accessing the system or something stupid I'm doing? :blink:

Thanks in advance

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Does it show up under disk management?

alot of times with removeable disks.. if a drive letter is assigned to it... ie: e: and when you plug it in and you already have an e: drive.. it will show up in comp management but not in my computer until you assign a new drive letter to it..

and not it isnt a security setting.. i have a 250 external firewire on my 2k3 box as we speak

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No it does not show up in disk management at all. I did find in in computer mamagement though under device manager - Disk drives (Can't find a way to rename it here though) . I renamed that drive on another box (F) and pluged it back into the server and it still won't show up in "My Computer" at all. Is there a way to rename on the server si i can see it and enter it?

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Does it have anything next to in device manager? Just like chilifrei64 said, I too have had to manually asign a drive letter for a few external HD's on my Server 2003. I don't know why it doesn't just give it one, but as long as it gets successfully detected by the OS, then all you have to do is give it a drive letter.

Now if you have an error associated with the drive in device manager, then you need to figure out why. I had one drive that wouldn't work on this little USB hub I had. It was bus-powered, so I guess the hub didn't give enough juice. Onec I plugged it into a single USB port on the mobo all was well.

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Check this out as it may help you understand what I have here.

I just connected another external hard drive and I can also see it in device manager. This drive is formated FAT32 and I can see it's properities but I can't mount it in "MyConputer" just like with the other drive.

But, I noticed that the new first external drive I was trying to access says "Unlabled Volume Properties> File System RAW and Used Space 0 Bytes and Free Space 0 Bytes

This drive can be seen by my other boxs all of which are Win XP


Now it's getting real strange. I just connected my ScanDisk Mini Cruzer USB and I can see it mount it and get into all of the files.

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