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Problem with MS Outlook


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Hey Ya'll

This problem has got me and I can't find out how to fix it...maybe you can help. :blink:

I'm on a clubs email list...we send emails back and forth all day like a talk list..or an email forum....

2 days ago it started that when I would send an email it would send it as an Att...and not like it should...we always send them in Plain Text and I have always used MS Outlook....

If I go to Bellsouth (my email server) and send an email online it works just fine...but if I make a new message or reply to a message on the list with MS Outlook it sends it as an Att...this has happened before to other members but only for 1 or 2 emails...this hasn't worked for me for about 10+--and its been 2 days.

The owner of the list says that when he gets them they are fine...but some people on the list gets them as Att...some get them as Att and Normal and some get them normal...

thanks for any help you might be able to give. ;)

Butch :whistle:

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I also have Outlook 2003,

I have 2000---is that what you ment??..

I can't send photos on this list but I do have a AVG virus scanner on my computer that puts a footer on each email---it says that the email is free of virus...but I have had that for a long time and this thing just started happening...

What is a blackberry phone??


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Ahhh... sorry yeah it is 2000, I have 2003 at home. :blink: Thats weird it just started happening, I was thinking maybe you just changed your sig. Hopefully Martin's got an answer for you man, sry. A balckberry are the cool smart phones that can receive email from an exchange server, do phone calls, nextel direct connect... the works. Usually only given to the 'big wigs' and the people with BMW's and Porsche 911's in the 5 car garage lol.

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Thats weird it just started happening

I was thinking the same thing....I don't know why but it did...

I sure hope someone has an idea...right now I can't type anything on this list and I might go nuts :wacko: (just kidding)

Thanks for the info on the Blackberry--haven't ever heard of them..

Thanks gain


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