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squeeze winpe and winxp on same cd


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Anyone know how i could make a cd with a boot menu wich would choose between booting into WinPE (from the CD) and install Windows XP(from the same CD)

I already know how to make the boot menu and everything, i just don't know how to squeeze them both in the same CD

Please help

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So the most obvious would be to have it on a DVD instead but maby u aint got one. Next would be to ask which version of WinPE u r using? if u got the Win2003 SP1 based code of PE u can always load WinPE into RAM and @ a convient time, ask the installer to change the CD to the WinXP product CD instead, and of u go... if not that, I dont know.

U can minimize WinPE footprint by using the MS devliered script that comes with ur WinPE (cant remeber what it is named though) :(

I use a WMI code script to check for the correct CD letter in the comp. Once it got the CD letter, it asks u to change the WinPE boot media for the WinXP CD instead, copy the i386 to the local drive and then u r ready if u wanna..

Best of luck to ya.

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Another way of doing this is to use Gosh's Method to reduce the size of the XP install. You'll loose the ability to upgrade (which I recommend you never do anyways), but you'll save about 210MB on your CD (365MB for XP-SP2 with all updates vs 582). That should be plenty of room for WinPE.

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