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Guys, I hope I'm doing this right. Seems like a lengthy and easy to mess up process. I opened shell32.dll in reshack, and I've been replacing icons in the icongroup section. I saved it as the shell32.res. I'm not sure what to do with the res file as the shell32.dll in the arguments duplicate times confused me. I understand the part with using jcarle's app. I got confused on keeping shell32 at its current size or smaller being possible. Some of the icons I have, I was opening for example iexplore.exe in reshack then replacing the icon in the icon group and doing a modifype/cab on the exe and overwritting the iexplore in the i386 folder. I did the same with fontext.dll, but then I got confused when I saw some of the font icons also in the shell32.dll. Will someone please help me with this? Thanks, sorry for the slowness..!

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1:\ Make a folder on %systemdrive% I call mine shell

2:\ Copy not move the variuos file you want to modify

3:\ Use Resource Hacker Replace what ever you want.

4:\ Then hit the save button, Resource hackers makes a

back up the origianl file.

5:\ Now you should have these 2 files shell32.dll,shell32_original.dll

in that folder.

6:\ Now you can add them to your Ua CD or use Replacer to

replace them on your current installed OS. Link For Replacer

Here Is A Link For The modified Shell32.dll, Explorer.exe, Uxtheme.dll, My Mod Shell Files

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