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[How To]Catalyst 5.8 Control Center


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1. Download the Installer

2. Run the Installer and choose where to extract the files. I did it to C:\ATI

3. In the directory where the installer extracted the files there will be a folder called ACE

4. Run setup.exe /A to do a Admin install. It will ask you where to extract the files.

5. Where you did the network install there will be a file called ATI Catalyst Control Center.msi.

6. To install silently run ATI Catalyst Control Center.msi /qb /norestart

7. The folder is quite large (58 MB) so i suggest creating a 7-Zip Installer using the link in my signature. When you make a 7-zip installer the file size is 10mb verus 20mb originally.

Below is attached my config.msi. I renamed the .msi to ati.msi.


Edited by keytotime
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  • 5 months later...

Hey, this works great for the CCC 6.1. I just edited the .msi with Installshield to customize it like I want it.

Now, what is the CLI runtime for, that starts with windows? When I quit it the CCC works fine but restarts it. Do I need it? Or can I delete it from Autostart, because CCC starts it when I run CCC? I hope someone knows about this.

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  • 11 months later...

When applying this method I get an error that ISScript.msi is not installed or something. Google says that this is because I did not run the install by starting setup.exe but directly using the .msi. Any solution for this?


SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

REG ADD %KEY%11 /VE /D "ATI Catalyst Control Center" /f
REG ADD %KEY%11 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\install\ATICCC\setup.exe /S /V\"/qb /norestart\"" /f

Edited by pkoppelaar
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  • 1 year later...

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