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.NET framework

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I am doing Ok with the unattended setup but is there a way to incorperate the .Net framework into my unattended Xp Disc, I have done all the hotfixes and the service packs and even managed to sort the MST file so it boots properly but having problems with the .Net

Please Help... :wacko:

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Building an uAttended Installation Media is an extremely complicated task

with more variables than my short lifespan allows me to investigate.

I'm comfortable in the knowledge that had I ventured to complete this

task (.NET Framework) on my own I’d have reached Ryan's result in due time.

To have these 'assistances' readily available to users is a godsend

to be shared in my opinion. I thank Ryan immensely for his efforts and

the fact he shares his results for all to use.

While I’m at it, the user input on this board is a resource found no

where else, and sharing idea's and files, is what keeps me coming back.


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