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Remove Acrobat 7 Pro integration into Office


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I've been searching around for the answer on how to do this properly...

Basic story is... I've got the really annoying Acrobat Toolbars (and menu items) showing up in my Office applications and I don't want them there. I remember back in the days of Acrobat 6 that there was a file placed in the Office install directory that you could simply remove to get rid of the toolbars, but I can't seem to find that file anymore.

I've also thoroughly looked through Process Explorer to see if there were any DLL's loading that were related to Acrobat (none found... :().

I know that if you install Acrobat first and then Office, you don't get this problem, but if you reverse the order of installation, then Acrobat integrates itself with Office.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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I can't tell u this works becuase I installed Adobe before Office... but try this:

Lookin in your Office directory... Usally C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office... Then navagate to the Office11 folder in the Microsoft Office directory... After that look for these files....











This one might be in there also...

Reader For RTF.smrd

If these are not in that folder then try to see if deleting them from the actual program will work... go to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\PDFMaker

Then Delete the directory Office <after you have made a complete back-up>

and see if that works...

If not let me know and i'll do a reinstall of both apps and see what i can come up with...


EDITED: Zxian... im install MSOffice2k3 now and then Adobe Acrobat 7 Pro... and i'll let u know what i find in the morning about resolving this issue... but 4 now... its bed time... :zzz:

Edited by lostincyberspace2007
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Well... tried that... Acrobat repaired itself when I started Outlook... :(

There's gotta be something that's registered to load the Acrobat files when Office apps are started... but I can't seem to find it.

I'll try installing them in the other order later today.

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*throws temper tantrum*

Bwaggaahh fraggah...phooey.

I tried reversing the order of installs but with no luck. Uninstalled both apps (restarted after removing Acrobat - which tells me there is something Acrobat related loaded with Windows), ran CCleaner on both files and registry, and then installed Acrobat and then Office.

I still get this annoying Adobe PDF crap showing up in my Office Apps. :(

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No my old one, delete those same files in post 2 from both C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11 AND DELETE the same files~from C:\Program FilEs\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\PDFMaker\Office     see if that does it

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That's the problem I have... the files you listed only appear in the Acrobat directory, not in the Office directory. A search for those files only brings up one instance of each on my hard drive.

As before, if I try to delete those files and then run Outlook, Acrobat repairs itself, and the buttons come back to the toolbar.


*slaps self really really hard*

Why am I such a dumbass sometimes... The options I wanted were available right in the installer of Acrobat... select to "Not available" and problem solved. Thanks for the help anyways... lol

Edited by Zxian
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NP... I feel like a dumbass all the time especially now because my way of tpying is a usb  mouse plu

gged into a god givin front access USB and Character Map... Nothing else works... lol :o

Edited by lostincyberspace2007
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