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boot screen confusion

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hi all

i am aking if it is possible to change the boot screen by compressing ntoskrnl.exe to ntoskrnl.ex_ then placing that ntoskrnl.ex_ in i386?

i did that but when the computer boots at setup it works , when it restarts to beging the first boot after setup it returns to the windows orginal one and it hangs

any ideas , please i really need help and quickly pleaaaaaaaase

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did you personally edit the file, or did you download it? There's prob a corruption in the file

why do you need to compress the file?

Edited by rendrag
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::must resist urge...to...flame...::

I'll answer you if nothing other then my own annoyance, and to put that annoyance to end. I have NO IDEA how many times i have repeated this very same answer...ALL of which you would find if you ONLY SEARCHED!!

1. If you downloaded the kernel, ensure it's the proper version (i.e. if using SP2, then make sure it's a SP2 kernel)

2. If you downloaded the kernel, ensure you're using the proper TYPE of kernel. There are two, one is a multiprocessor kernel (or used with P4 HT) and a single processor kernel. If the wrong one is used, the system will NOT boot. In the end, when the system is fully setup NORMALLY, it's ALWAYS called ntoskrnl.exe

3. Compressing ntoskrnl.exe and directly replacing only replaces ONE instance of the kernel file. Again using the WRONG file will cause errors. The file is also found in the CAB files as well.


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