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FormatUFD for non OPK people?


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Is there any legit way of getting the formatufd.exe for people that are not eligible for the OEM Preinstallation KIt (OPK)?

I have my WinPE 2005/Server 2003 + SP1 build ready to go, just would love to get going with the USB boot stuff.

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  • 1 month later...
I got it working with that HP format util; just had to use FAT16 (not 32 as stated with Microsoft's formatufd instructions)

So what, exactly, did you do? I used HP's util to format FAT16 as you said, then put the MININT directory in place and copied 2 files over so I finally had an NTDETECT and NTLDR file in the room of the USB drive; wouldn't boot.


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  • 3 weeks later...

So what, exactly, did you do? I used HP's util to format FAT16 as you said, then put the MININT directory in place and copied 2 files over so I finally had an NTDETECT and NTLDR file in the room of the USB drive; wouldn't boot.

Format it FAT16 'plain' .. no MS startup, etc.

Then I made a batch file to help automate the process:

xcopy WINPEBUILD\i386\*.* USB\minint /s

xcopy WINPEBUILD\i386\ntdetect.com USB\

xcopy USB\minint\setupldr.bin USB\ntldr

It will prompt for it to be either a file or directory -> choose file.


@echo off

echo Assuming USB = drive E

echo ----------------------




md e:\Minint

md e:\Sfw

xcopy "c:\winpe\winpe_build\i386\*.*" e:\minint /s

xcopy "c:\winpe\winpe_build\i386\ntdetect.com" e:\

xcopy "c:\winpe\winpe_build\sfw\*.*" e:\Sfw /s



echo Press F here...


xcopy "e:\minint\setupldr.bin" "e:\ntldr"


echo Done


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  • 3 months later...


Thanks for the info on how to boot WinPe off of a USB Key. However, I dont get any network connectivity when I boot from the USB Key. Networking is especally needed since WinPE is front ending our image deployment off a network resource.

If I boot from my source WinPE2005 CD i do get network connectivity.

If I use the same source WinPE CD above, format my usb key using "formatufd.exe /y f:" and run the batch file below I can boot from the usb key into WinPE however, no networking.


md f:\Minint

md f:\Sfw

xcopy "c:\winpe\winpe_build\i386\*.*" f:\minint /s

xcopy "c:\winpe\winpe_build\i386\ntdetect.com" f:\

xcopy "c:\winpe\winpe_build\sfw\*.*" f:\Sfw /s

echo Press F for file now...

xcopy "f:\minint\setupldr.bin" "f:\ntldr"


Three issue remain...

1. How do you enable networking? (Detect the NIC, Loading the drivers, geting DHCP addr)

2. What does the folder "SFW" called in your script do? - On my usb key it is empty.

3. What about the folders on the additional WinPE source disk "Program Files" and "WinPE" ? What location do they get copied to on the usb key if at all? Do they go to "usb\Program Files" or "usb\minint\Program Files"?

Any assistance appreciated.

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Ok, first I just want to say that I have modified the batch file commands that I use ->

@echo off

echo Assuming USB = drive E

echo ----------------------




IF EXIST E:\MiniNT rd /s /q e:\MiniNT

IF EXIST E:\Sfw rd /s /q e:\Sfw

IF EXIST E:\ntdetect.com del e:\ntdetect.com

IF EXIST E:\ntldr del e:\ntldr

dir E:



echo Copying...

md e:\MiniNT

md e:\Sfw

xcopy "c:\winpe\winpe_build\i386\*.*" e:\minint /s

xcopy "c:\winpe\winpe_build\i386\ntdetect.com" e:\

xcopy "c:\winpe\winpe_build\sfw\*.*" e:\Sfw /s

copy "e:\minint\setupldr.bin" "e:\ntldr"


echo Done


The USB device is still formatted the same way; plain plain FAT16.

When you run this version, it searchs for an exisiting WinPE build and deletes it (IF EXIST lines).

I do this so I don't have to keep reformatting it everytime I want to setup a new build of it.

[Question #1] I startup my networking on the system by using TheTruth's NE Network Config from http://www.geocities.com/pierremounir/.

I have this program stored in the \SFW\PENetCfg\ folder.

[Question #2] The E:\Sfw is the directory I place all my custom software that I integrate into the WinPE UI.

Any extra extra stuff that I place on the USB I put into yet another seperate folder that this batch will not remove; again, making new builds easy to deply with out loosing a ton of extra stuff. This is just me and may not apply to your build at all.

[Question #3] I don't know - I don't do that at all. Doesn't seem to be required for anyting I do.


To further explain a few details on what I do ->

I have copied the entire source OS CD (in this case, Sever 2003) to C:\WinPE\Server2003CD

I have copied the entire *WINPECD*\WINPE\ contents to C:\WinPE\WinPE_Root

I created a C:\WinPE\WinPE_Root\Sfw\ directory to place all my custom things.

I created a C:\WinPE\WinPE_Root\System32\ directory and place a few extra DLLs in there

I put everything in place and then I can create my 'build' (\WinPE_Build\) from the 'root' (\WinePE_Root\)

I build the image with this ->

@echo off

echo Starting process...

IF Exist C:\WinPE\WinPE_Build rd /s /q C:\WinPE\WinPE_Build


MKIMG.CMD C:\WinPE\Server2003CD C:\WinPE\WinPE_Build C:\WinPE\WinPE_CDROM.ISO


It will takes my 'root' data, merge it with the Server2003 stuff it needs and dump out the 'build' to C:\WinPE\WinPE_Build. This is from the MKIMG.CMD line. I have also editied the MKIMG.CMD (under the WinPE_Root) file some to do some custom things. For example, I added the following red text into the doucment.

if /i "%PLATEXT%" == "%AMD64PLATEXT%" (

if /i "%SRCDIRBINS%" == "" (


REM Copy the x86 boot files from the i386 folder on the CD


copy /y "%SRCDIR%\i386\bootfix.bin" "%WINPEDESTDIR%\%PLATEXT%"

copy /y "%SRCDIR%\i386\setupldr.bin" "%WINPEDESTDIR%\%PLATEXT%"

copy /y "%SRCDIR%\i386\ntdetect.com" "%WINPEDESTDIR%\%PLATEXT%"

) else (


REM Copy the x86 boot files from the wowbins folder


copy /y "%WINPESRCDIR%\wowbins\bootfix.bin" "%WINPEDESTDIR%\%PLATEXT%"

copy /y "%WINPESRCDIR%\wowbins\setupldr.bin" "%WINPEDESTDIR%\%PLATEXT%"

copy /y "%WINPESRCDIR%\wowbins\ntdetect.com" "%WINPEDESTDIR%\%PLATEXT%"



REM **********************************************************************

:: Begin



echo ***********************

echo * Adding Custom Files *

echo ***********************


xcopy .\sfw\*.* %WINPEDESTDIR%\Sfw /s /e /v /i

xcopy .\system32\*.* %WINPEDESTDIR%\%PLATEXT%\System32 /s /e /v /i

echo Done adding files...



echo add OB1.ini / ob1-blank.ini ...

Copy C:\WinPE\WinPE_Root\SFW\OffByOne\OB1.ini C:\WinPE\WinPE_Build\I386\OB1.ini

Copy C:\WinPE\WinPE_Root\SFW\OffByOne\OB1-Blank.ini C:\WinPE\WinPE_Build\I386\OB1-Blank.ini


echo # add b57xp32 driver [Gig NIC Driver, Dell 2004/05]

echo b57xp32.inf b57xp32.sys # Laptop x300, D400, D800

echo b57win32.inf b57w2k.sys # Desktop GX280

copy C:\WinPE\WinPE_Root\SFW\Drivers\b57xp32.inf C:\WinPE\WinPE_Build\I386\inf\b57xp32.inf

copy C:\WinPE\WinPE_Root\SFW\Drivers\b57win32.inf C:\WinPE\WinPE_Build\I386\inf\b57win32.inf

copy C:\WinPE\WinPE_Root\SFW\Drivers\b57xp32.sys C:\WinPE\WinPE_Build\I386\system32\drivers\b57xp32.sys

copy C:\WinPE\WinPE_Root\SFW\Drivers\b57w2k.sys C:\WinPE\WinPE_Build\I386\system32\drivers\b57w2k.sys


echo #add ramdrive

copy c:\WinPE\WinPE_Root\SFW\Drivers\ramdrv.inf C:\WINPE\WinPE_Build\I386\inf\ramdrv.inf

copy c:\WinPE\WinPE_Root\SFW\Drivers\ramdrv.sys C:\WINPE\WinPE_Build\I386\system32\drivers\ramdrv.sys


echo del bootfix.bin...

DEL C:\WinPE\WinPE_Build\I386\bootfix.bin

:: End


echo *********************

echo * Custom Files Done *

echo *********************



REM Check if we need to create a image


if /i "%CREATEIMG%" == "no" (

goto :end


A ton of that won't be relevent, but notice mostly:

xcopy .\sfw\*.* %WINPEDESTDIR%\Sfw /s /e /v /i

xcopy .\system32\*.* %WINPEDESTDIR%\%PLATEXT%\System32 /s /e /v /i

That is where it movesw my custom items from SFW and system32 over to my build folder.

Once that process is done, I can run the previously mentioned USB from Build batch file as shown at topoc of this message.

I can further explain things or give you help, a lot of this is me-speific and may not apply.

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  • 10 months later...

If you go to the Microsoft Connect site, you can sign up for the XP Embedded Feature Pack 2007 CTP which includes ufdprep.exe, an updated version of formatufd.exe that allows you to format the USB stick with NTFS among other things. You have to extract the file from "Windows XP Embedded Tools FP2007 Update.msp" or you can just install the update if you have XP Embedded. I used Total Commander with the msi plugin to extract the file.


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