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regsvr32 /u webcheck.dll


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Your right, I don't know what I'm talking 'bout here, it's been a decade since I wrote any decent code. But... I built my first 2 computers 25 years ago, one from scratch (I even etched my own pc board.

). When I was at my peak, I wrote my own language (an extention of good ol' Basic) 'cause it let me tailor my projects to my customers needs.

We really needed to save every byte o' ram and disk space then.

This PC is 200mhz MMX, 96meg RAM and I'm running 18 enhancers at startup taking 'bout half my RAM and running 3% CPUsage.

But, in general, I do know my stuff. As far as Webcheck.dll goes, the solution mentioned above is still the way to go. Unregistering Webcheck broke a third party internet sharing program. Not only did modding those 4 registry keys not hurt this proggie at all, it actually fixed a bug, too! When another PC on my network dialed up through this machine (instead of me dialing up from here and then using another PC) I got the same behaviour as I mentioned before, Webcheck calls 'winipcfg.exe' every 5 seconds. With this fix, though, that behaviour dissappears! Webcheck has now been tamed. Would have never figured it out on my own, so thanx to everyone on this board! I'll do my best, as a retired programmer, to contribute. :D

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Thanx for the support, MDGx:

Not leaving well enough alone, I have messed around with the WebCheck 'fix' to see what was causing this behavour. My 'base' machine and a Dell laptop have a 'cheap' form of 98Lite. I discovered from an article on the web (about 4 years ago) about how to 'transplant' the Win 95 'shell' into Win 98. The three files are Explorer.exe Shell32.dll & ComDlg32.dll (I'm sure this is not news to you). 98Lites' idea was to inprove performance and to 'unplug' web integration. Now, it turns out that my version of Windows was 95c which shipped with Internet Explorer 4.01 and web integration! My Explorer.exe is version 4.72.2106.4 .

Two points;

What happened with Webcheck may have been the result of the 'oddness' of my systems. My current IE on both PCs is 5.5 sp2.

What did the 'c' stand for in 95c? That version no. above. Is that a Win 95 Explorer.exe? It was smaller then the one that shipped with Win 98se (and I made it smaller still by 'ResHacking' it to death).

Oh, one last point. This setup allowed me to have a web integrated Win 95 shell on Win 98se, an option 98Lite doesn't offer. I like web integration up to a point! I usually 'turn off' 'Active Desktop' by simply removing any referance of it from menus and such. Recently, my 'base' machine somehow had Active Desktop turned off. That's what caused Webcheck to go bonkers. My internet sharing software needed Active Desktop to function properly. So, a rare ocurrance, still the right solution. WebCheck must be registered even if 98Lites' 'Sleek' option is enabled (Win 95 shell without web integration).

I'll try to find that '.reg' file that removed the Active Desktop menu items.

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This removes the Web tab in display properties and the Active Desktop entry in the desktop right-click. Reload of the explorer shell neccessary for changes to take effect.

I repeat that unfortunately disabling or enabling Active Desktop through editing policies registry keys does not prevent webcheck.dll from being loaded. It must be unregistered if one wants to achieve a huge stability gain.

My internet sharing software needed Active Desktop to function properly.

Just change it as it is flawed in design and use eMule which is the best. It is resource hungry but you can disable the progress bars to make it resource friendly.

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Yes, there we are with the registry keys. That was part of my fix, but... hmmmm. Drat! Only MDGx seems to be able to keep track of everything!

Oh, and the net sharing software I use shares the internet between the PCs on my LAN, not peer to peer, sorry.

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Yes, there we are with the registry keys. That was part of my fix, but... hmmmm. Drat! Only MDGx seems to be able to keep track of everything!


As for your soft that you could have named it in the first place, (you still haven't) it is still flawed in design even if it is not P2P. There is no reason why you should compulsorily need Active Desktop to access the internet from a LAN.

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