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I've been looking everywhere but I couldn't find what I'm looking for. :(

What I need is a tool/software that give the ability to resize the OS partition (Windows XP) directly in a script with switch without be prompting and then be able to create a new partition (fat).

Any help would be appreciate.

Thank you



i think, it possible only as riping programs like PM ..

-Install Service driver

-Changing some ini-file and reboot


Check out Microsoft's diskpart utility. It can do what your looking for and you can create a script file with the parameters you want to do anything to your hard disk(s).


i've just tryed diskpart from Microsoft. You can do pretty much with this tool but not resizing.. :-(

anyone have another idee ?

can partition magic be run at the command line ?


partition magic with an autoit script?


commandline? dunno, can't get it installed anymore... :blink: Says setup was interrupted blabla, and can't find a fix nowhere (except rollback of SP2). I'm also getting this error with many other installers (can't remember wich). But that's offtopic :P



Partition Magic 8 DOES have a command-line AND can be used to re-size.

Just install it and tell it to make a rescue disk onto floppies, and then copy over the whole thing it wrote, to a CD.

Then put a DOS boot-sector and these files of PM8 and then your script onto the CD and boot off it. You could even run the script automatically by modifying the autoexec.bat


diskpart does work, get bartpe and create a cdrom with it.

Boot up to the cdrom

after the os loads open a command prompt

type diskpart

type show volume

type select volume # <--# is the volume you want to extend

type extend to extend the partition out all the way or

type extend size=?? ?? is the # of MB you want to increase

reboot and remove cd and boot up normally


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