naji Posted April 8, 2005 Posted April 8, 2005 Can somone pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease help me change the following code from c++ to c..... # include <fstream># include <iostream>#include <iomanip>using namespace std;class cust{private: char *FirstNameId; char *LastNameId; int num_of_recs; int ChkAcctId; double ChkAcctBal; double SavAcctBal; int PIN;public: void setFirstNameId (char *FirstName) {FirstNameId = strdup(FirstName);}; void setLastNameId (char *LastName) {LastNameId = strdup(LastName);}; void setChkActId (int ChkId) {ChkAcctId = ChkId;}; void setChkAcctBal (double ChkBal) {ChkAcctBal = ChkBal;}; void setSavAcctBal (double SavBal) {SavAcctBal = SavBal;}; void setPIN (int PIN_num) {PIN = PIN_num;}; void displayBalance (); void depos (int selec, double depAmnt); void withdrawl (int selec, double withdrawalAmnt); void transferFunds (int transdirect, double transAmnt); int Cust_pin () {return PIN;}; const char* getFirstNameId() {return FirstNameId;}; const char* getLastNameId() {return LastNameId;}; int getChkActId () {return ChkAcctId;}; double getChkAcctBal () {return ChkAcctBal;}; double getSavAcctBal () {return SavAcctBal;}; };void cust::displayBalance(){ cout <<setprecision(2) <<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint); cout <<endl<< "\t\t\tChecking Account Balance : $"<<ChkAcctBal<<endl; cout << "\t\t\tSavings Account Balance : $"<<SavAcctBal<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl <<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl; return;}void cust::depos(int selec, double deposit){ if (selec == 2) { ChkAcctBal = ChkAcctBal + deposit; cout <<setprecision(2) <<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint); cout << "\t\t\tDeposited to Checking: $" <<deposit<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl <<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl; } if (selec == 1) { SavAcctBal = SavAcctBal + deposit; cout <<setprecision(2) <<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint); cout << "\t\t\tDeposited to Savings: $"<<deposit<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl <<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl; }}void cust::withdrawl(int selec, double withdrawalAmnt){ if (selec == 1 && (SavAcctBal - withdrawalAmnt >= 0) ) { SavAcctBal = SavAcctBal - withdrawalAmnt; cout <<setprecision(2) <<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint); cout <<endl<<"\t\t\tWithdrawal Successfull : $"<<withdrawalAmnt<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl <<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl; } else if (selec == 1 && (SavAcctBal - withdrawalAmnt < 0) ) { cout << "\t\t\tCannot Complete Transaction"<<endl<<endl; cout <<endl<< "\t\t\t Insufficient Funds"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl <<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl; } if (selec == 2 && (ChkAcctBal - withdrawalAmnt >= 0)) { ChkAcctBal = ChkAcctBal - withdrawalAmnt; cout <<setprecision(2) <<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint); cout <<endl<<"\t\t\tWithdrawal Successfull : $"<<withdrawalAmnt<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl <<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl; } else if (selec == 2 && (ChkAcctBal - withdrawalAmnt < 0)) { cout <<"\t\t\tCannot Complete Transaction"<<endl<<endl; cout <<endl<<"\t\t\t Insufficient Funds"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl <<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl; }}void cust::transferFunds (int transdirect, double transAmnt){ if ( transdirect == 1 && (SavAcctBal - transAmnt >= 0)) { SavAcctBal = SavAcctBal - transAmnt; ChkAcctBal = ChkAcctBal + transAmnt; cout <<setprecision(2) <<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint); cout << "\t\t\t Transfer Successful"<<endl<<endl; cout << "\t\t\t$"<<transAmnt<<" Transferred into Checking"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl <<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl; } else if (transdirect == 1 && (SavAcctBal - transAmnt < 0)) { cout <<"\t\t\tCannot Complete Transaction"<<endl<<endl; cout <<"\t\t\t Insufficient Funds"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl <<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl; } if ( transdirect == 2 && (ChkAcctBal - transAmnt >= 0)) { ChkAcctBal = ChkAcctBal - transAmnt; SavAcctBal = SavAcctBal + transAmnt; cout <<setprecision(2) <<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint); cout << "\t\t\t Transfer Successful"<<endl<<endl; cout << "\t\t\t$"<<transAmnt<<" Transferred into Savings"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl <<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl; } else if ( transdirect == 2 && (ChkAcctBal - transAmnt < 0)) { cout << "\t\t\tCannot Complete Transaction"<<endl<<endl; cout << "\t\t\t Insufficient Funds"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl <<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl; }}//atm class definition//#include <iostream.h>//#include <fstream.h>//#include <iomanip.h>class atm{private: int pin; int transtype; double amnt; int transDirec; int accnt;public: void setpin(); int getpin() {return pin;}; int displayMenu(); int getAcct(); double getAmnt(); int getDirection(); void clear(); void incorrectPinDisp(int cntr); char ContinueDisp(); void transCompleteDisp(); void atmGoodbye();};void atm::setpin(){ cout <<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl; cout <<"\t\t\t------------------------"<<endl; cout <<"\t\t\t- Welcome To -"<<endl; cout <<"\t\t\t- First Bank -"<<endl; cout <<"\t\t\t------------------------"<<endl<<endl; cout <<"\t\t\tEnter your Pin Number: "; cin >>pin;}int atm::displayMenu(){ int selection = 0; while (selection > 5 || selection < 1) { cout <<endl<< "\t\t\t1 - Display Balance"<<endl; cout << "\t\t\t2 - Deposit"<<endl; cout << "\t\t\t3 - Withdrawl"<<endl; cout << "\t\t\t4 - Transfer Funds"<<endl; cout << "\t\t\t5 - Exit"<<endl; cout << "\t\t\t--------------------"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl <<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl; cout << "\t\t\tSelect a Transaction: "; cin >>selection; cout <<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl; if (selection == 1 || selection == 2 || selection == 3 || selection == 4 || selection == 5) { } else { cout <<endl<< "\t\t\tInvalid Selection"<<endl; cout << "\t\t\tSelect 1 through 5 : "; cin >> selection; } } transtype = selection; return selection;}int atm::getAcct(){ int acnttype = 0; while (acnttype < 1 || acnttype > 2) { cout <<endl<< "\t\t\t1 - Savings"<<endl; cout << "\t\t\t2 - Checking"<<endl; cout << "\t\t\t-------------"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl <<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl; cout << "\t\t\tSelect Account : "; cin >>acnttype; cin.ignore(100, '\n'); if (acnttype == 1 || acnttype == 2) { } else { cout <<endl<< "\t\t\tInvalid Selection"<<endl; cout << "\t\t\tEnter 1 or 2 : "; cin >>acnttype; cin.ignore(100, '\n'); } } accnt = acnttype; return acnttype;}double atm::getAmnt(){ double amount = (float) 0.0; cout <<"\t\t\tPlease Enter Transaction Amount"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl <<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl; cout << "\t\t\tAmount : $"; cin >>amount; amnt = amount; return amount;}int atm::getDirection(){ int direct = 0; while (direct < 1 || direct > 2) { cout << "\t\t\t1 - Savings to Checking"<<endl<<endl; cout << "\t\t\t2 - Checking to Savings"<<endl<<endl; cout << "\t\t\t-----------------------"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl <<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl; cout << "\t\t\tEnter a Selection : "; cin >>direct; cin.ignore(100, '\n'); if (direct == 1 || direct == 2) { } else { cout <<endl<< "Re-Enter selection 1 or 2"<<endl<<endl; } } transDirec = direct; return direct;}void atm::incorrectPinDisp(int cntr){ if (cntr < 3) { cout <<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl; cout <<"\t\t\t------------------------"<<endl; cout <<"\t\t\t- Welcome To -"<<endl; cout <<"\t\t\t- First Bank -"<<endl; cout <<"\t\t\t------------------------"<<endl<<endl; cout <<endl<< "\t\t Incorrect PIN, Please Re-Enter :"; } else { cout << "\t\t\tYou Have Entered 3 Incorrect Pin Numbers\n"<<endl; cout << "\t\t\t Please Contact Your Bank"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl <<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl; }}char atm::ContinueDisp(){ char cont = 'Y'; cout <<endl<<"\t\t\tWould You Like Another Transaction? Y/N : "; cin >>cont; cin.ignore(100,'\n'); return cont;}void atm::atmGoodbye(){ atm::clear(); cout <<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl; cout <<"\t\t\t------------------------"<<endl; cout <<"\t\t\t- Thank You -"<<endl; cout <<"\t\t\t- For Banking With Us -"<<endl; cout <<"\t\t\t- First Bank -"<<endl; cout <<"\t\t\t------------------------"<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl <<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl;} void atm::clear(){ cout<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl <<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl <<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl;}void main(){ int menuSelec = 0; int pinHolder = 0; int ArrayNum = 1; int cntr = 1; int selection = 0; int transferDirec = 0; double depAmnt = (float) 0.0; double withdrawlAmnt = (float) 0.0; double transferAmnt = (float) 0.0; char ContSw = 'Y'; //opens infile, checks if opened correctly. //if open fails message is displayed. ifstream custFile;"test.txt"); if (!custFile) { cout << "Unable to Access Bank Records"<<endl; exit(1); }; //opens output file, checks if opened correctly. //if opens fails message is displayed. ofstream custUpdate;"recordUpdate.txt"); if (!custUpdate) { cout << "Error Opening Outfile"<<endl; exit(1); }; int numrecs = 0; custFile >> numrecs; cust custArray[50]; atm atm; char FirstName[25][80]; //char LastName[25]; int ChkId; double ChkBal; double SavBal; int PIN_num; int x = 0; while(!custFile.eof()){ custFile>>FirstName[x]>>ChkId>>ChkBal>>SavBal>>PIN_num; x++; }// while (custFile >> FirstName>>ChkId>> ChkBal >> SavBal >> PIN_num )// { // custArray[x].setFirstNameId(FirstName[x]);// //custArray[x].setLastNameId(LastName[x]);// custArray[x].setChkActId(ChkId);// custArray[x].setChkAcctBal(ChkBal);// custArray[x].setSavAcctBal(SavBal);// custArray[x].setPIN(PIN_num);// x++; // } custFile.close(); atm.setpin(); atm.clear(); pinHolder = atm.getpin(); x = 0; while (cntr < 4) { for ( x = 0; x < numrecs; x++) { if (pinHolder == custArray[x].Cust_pin()) { ArrayNum = x; cntr = 4; break; } } if ( x == numrecs) { if (cntr < 3) { atm.incorrectPinDisp(cntr); cin >> pinHolder; atm.clear(); cntr++; } else { atm.incorrectPinDisp(cntr); exit(0); } } } do { if (toupper(ContSw) == 'Y') { menuSelec = atm.displayMenu(); } else if (toupper(ContSw) == 'N' || menuSelec == 5) { atm.atmGoodbye(); break; } switch (menuSelec) { case 1: atm.clear(); custArray[ArrayNum].displayBalance(); ContSw = atm.ContinueDisp(); atm.clear(); break; case 2: atm.clear(); selection = atm.getAcct(); atm.clear(); depAmnt = atm.getAmnt(); atm.clear(); custArray[ArrayNum].depos( selection, depAmnt); ContSw = atm.ContinueDisp(); atm.clear(); break; case 3: atm.clear(); selection = atm.getAcct(); atm.clear(); withdrawlAmnt = atm.getAmnt(); atm.clear(); custArray[ArrayNum].withdrawl( selection, withdrawlAmnt); ContSw = atm.ContinueDisp(); atm.clear(); break; case 4: atm.clear(); transferDirec = atm.getDirection(); atm.clear(); transferAmnt = atm.getAmnt(); atm.clear(); custArray[ArrayNum].transferFunds (transferDirec, transferAmnt); ContSw = atm.ContinueDisp(); atm.clear(); break; case 5: atm.atmGoodbye(); } }while (menuSelec != 5); if (toupper (ContSw) == 'N' || menuSelec == 5) { custUpdate <<numrecs<<endl<<endl; for ( x = 0; x < numrecs; x++) { //for (y = 0;; y++){ strcpy(FirstName[x],custArray[x].getFirstNameId()); //LastName[x] = custArray[x].getLastNameId(); ChkId = custArray[x].getChkActId(); ChkBal= custArray[x].getChkAcctBal(); SavBal = custArray[x].getSavAcctBal(); PIN_num = custArray[x].Cust_pin(); custUpdate <<setprecision(2)<<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint); custUpdate <<FirstName << " " << ChkId <<" "<<ChkBal <<" "<<SavBal<<" "<<PIN_num<<endl<<endl; } custUpdate.close(); }}
purewaveform Posted April 8, 2005 Posted April 8, 2005 why? There are all kinds or compilers so you should just be able to compile it, and call it as needed.
naji Posted April 9, 2005 Author Posted April 9, 2005 you mean this code can be directly compiled to C!!! name some of these compilers for me please...why? because i need the code in pure C...
purewaveform Posted April 9, 2005 Posted April 9, 2005 code get compiled to machine code, wether it is c++, or c a real compiling will take it to machine code, both c and c++ allow you to resue objects, all you need to do is compile it then load it and you can access the functions from c, c++, Java etc.What do you want to do with the code, and I can tell you what you need to do with it.
naji Posted April 9, 2005 Author Posted April 9, 2005 well...its an assignment i m supposed to do...for my Programming class. I have to give them the code!!!! and obviously it has to be in lecturer is stupid but i suspect he can tell the difference between C and machine code
Technoguy Posted April 15, 2005 Posted April 15, 2005 try the borland's compiler it will help u with this respect
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