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Quake 2 Problem


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I'm having problems playing quake 2 multiplayer. When I'm playing I get lag (with the mouse etc). Both our pings are very low (around 18).

I'm using cable, and its wireless. I play against my house mate who is also using wireless. He never gets any problems with lag. I noticed that if he hosts the game "start network server" or if I start it, I'm the one that always gets the problem. Any ideas what's causing this?

When i create a "network server" I don't experience any lag until he joins the game etc.. It's really annoying because he's now able to kick my a** because I can't move quickly :-)

Any suggestions? I have no idea what else to do...I've already tried to adjust the quake multiplayer settings.

Many Thanks,

Ioan (UK)

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Lets see now...

Quake graphics set as:

Video mode: [1024 x 768]

Driver: defaultOpenGL

8 bit texture: No

Sync Every frame: Yes

Graphics card details:

Ati Mobility Radeon 7500 C

Screen Res: 1400 by 1050 (32bit)

It supports openGL / Direct 3D

64 megs, 60 Hertz (refresh)

System properties:

Dell Inspiron 5100

Pentium 4, 2.8Gz, 512 Ram

:unsure: But I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the graphics.

It only happens when my friend joins a network game..

or if I join his network multiplayer game.

Strange really!

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Wierd random question but have u eva dun a Ad-ware or spyware scan on ur PC Spyware cud cuase it or less defragged HD also but ill install my Q2 and see if i get it or see if i can sort it :)

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