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Help With Cmd Commands

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@echo off

COPY /Y "%systemdrive%\Install\AdAware\defs.ref" "%PROGRAMFILES%\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware SE Professional\"
COPY /Y "%systemdrive%\Install\AdAware\sites.txt" "%PROGRAMFILES%\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware SE Professional\"
COPY /Y "%systemdrive%\Install\AdAware\awsettings.awc" "%UserProfile%\Application Data\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware\"
COPY /Y "%systemdrive%\Install\AdAware\settings.awc" "%UserProfile%\Application Data\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware\"


anything wrong with this code, it won't work (this is called during the first logon after installation of a clean window OS)

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Try This

COPY /Y "%systemdrive%\Install\AdAware\defs.ref" "%systemdrive%\Program Files\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware SE Professional\"

To Test Open Cmd.exe Cut And Paste The First One

This One Will Fail

echo test me >> %PROGRAMFILES%\testme.txt

This One Works

echo test me >> "%systemdrive%\Program Files\testme.txt"

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Try This

COPY /Y "%systemdrive%\Install\AdAware\defs.ref" "%systemdrive%\Program Files\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware SE Professional\"

To Test Open Cmd.exe  Cut And Paste The First One

This One Will Fail

echo test me >> %PROGRAMFILES%\testme.txt

This One Works

echo test me >> "%systemdrive%\Program Files\testme.txt"

tested both and got no message... so it means they both work ?

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The first one will not output that text file

The second one will output the text file

To Test

Open Cmd.exe

Copy and paste the Red Example In To Cmd.exe

Then hit enter

Next Open Your Program Files And There Will Not Be A Text

File There.

Now Cut And Paste The Green Example Into Cmd.exe

Hit Enter

Open Program Files And There Will Be A Text File There Now.

Hope This Helps

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The first one will not output that text file

The second one will output the text file

To Test

Open Cmd.exe

Copy and paste the Red Example In To Cmd.exe

Then hit enter

Next Open Your Program Files And There Will Not Be A Text

File There.

Now Cut And Paste The Green Example Into Cmd.exe

Hit Enter

Open Program Files And There Will Be A Text File There Now.

Hope This Helps

both commands created the "txt" files. so i guess its not the cause of the problem

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Try This Again

echo test me >> %PROGRAMFILES%\testme1.txt

echo test me >> "%systemdrive%\Program Files\testme2.txt"

There will be only one file the one that works.

That Is The One You Want

On My computer The Red Does Not Work.

The Green One Works.

i see the error in your post :

echo test me >> "%PROGRAMFILES%\testme1.txt"

missing quotes

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Here Is A script That Might Help You

It Will Make A Text File In C:\

Than Move it to Program files

than open the testme1.txt than it will close

notepad.exe than clean up.

echo off
cls && Mode 55,3 && Color 19 && Test Program Files

echo Today Is %date% >> "C:\testme1.txt"
echo The Time Is %time% >> "C:\testme1.txt"
echo Hello  >> "C:\testme1.txt"
echo This is a Test >> "C:\testme1.txt"
ping -n 1>nul
mkdir "%PROGRAMFILES%\ZZtemp"
ping -n 1>nul
move "C:\testme1.txt" "%PROGRAMFILES%\ZZtemp"
ping -n 1>nul
start notepad.exe "%PROGRAMFILES%\ZZtemp\testme1.txt"
echo. && echo Here Is Your File && ping -n 5>nul
taskKill /f /im notepad.exe
del /s /q "%PROGRAMFILES%\ZZtemp\*.*"
rmdir /s /q "%PROGRAMFILES%\ZZtemp"
echo. && echo Completed!!! && ping -n 3>nul
goto EOF

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