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Ok... this is no question this is a description on how to install the JDK (not JRE) by Sun (Version, but maybe it works on other versions too)

first of all u gotta download the jdk.

best would be not to have any sun java stuff installed

start up the exe file but don't follow anything told to you by the setup routine...

when u get to the license agreement (first time the setup needs your attention) u go straight to your temp folder. the temp folder is in a hidden directory in your %homepath% (since i own a german copy of WinXP i hope the following path is correct in the english/us version: C:\Documents and Settings\LOGONNAME\Local Settings\temp or %homepath%\Local Settings\temp)

there u should find a folder called _isXX now (XX is a number, to be sure about the folder u could also go to the temp folder first and execute setup afterwards, then u'll see which folders are created while setup's running)

in that folder u should find:

         439  _ISMSIDEL.INI
       4.632 0x0409.ini
       5.014 0x0411.ini
       3.584 1033.MST
48.259.584 J2SE Development Kit 5.0 Update 1.msi
    121.078 setup.bmp
        1.319 Setup.INI

these files u should copy to somewhere save :)

now u accept the license and so on.... then u can choose what u want to install (it doesn't matter what u're choosing, since we are just collecting files)

when u are ready press 'Next', and look at the temp folder. after a while another window will pop up telling u to install the Runtime Environment, when that happens another *.msi file will appear in ur temp folder (no need to copy it, because we'll copy it from another place (doesn't matter where u copy it from tho...))

goto c:\program files\common files\Java\Update\Base Images\jdk1.5.0.b64\patch-jdk1.5.0_01.b08

(if u're using another version of JDK then i do, u could do a search for *.cab in windows, or open the *.msi file (from the _isXX folder) with WinINSTALL LE 2003 and read the variables there)

here u should find 4 files (well 10 i found, but 3 *.cab files + 1 *.msi file)

113.053 jm150010.cab
867.260 jp150010.cab
180.224 JRE.msi
  1.282 jz150010.cab

those 4 files we need to proceed, u could copy the others too, they do no harm, nor any use...

ok now u should place all copied files in one folder that it looks like that (btw, now u can proceed or cancel your setup the way u want)

         439 _ISMSIDEL.INI
       4.632 0x0409.ini
       5.014 0x0411.ini
       3.584 1033.MST
48.259.584 java.msi              //former J2SE Development Kit 5.0 Update 1.msi
   113.053 jm150010.cab
   867.260 jp150010.cab
   180.224 JRE.msi
      1.282 jz150010.cab
   121.078 setup.bmp
    1.339 Setup.INI

well, we're done (getting the files...)

and now the way to install it WITHOUT ur attention:

u can name the *.msi files what u want, i named the J2SE Development Kit 5.0 Update 1.msi java.msi as u can see above....

two ways:


just call java.msi /QB (jre.msi /QB)

runonceex.cmd entry:

REG ADD %KEY%\010 /VE /D "Sun JDK" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\install\java.msi /QB" /f

//where %CDROM% is a variable that points at the cdram drive (look msfn guide) and %key% => SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

u can also replace /QB by /q which results in showing u nothing at all (QB shows u a statusbar....)

and the jre is gonna be installed as:

REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 2 /D "%CDROM%\install\jre.msi /QB IEXPLORER=1 NETSCAPE6=1 MOZILLA=1 REBOOT=Suppress" /f

(i put jre together with jdk in one ROE entry... u can change that if u like)

just keep all files in one and the same folder and u will be fine... (QB can be replaced by /q too...)

now way two, same like number one, but u can choose install path:


REG ADD %KEY%\010 /VE /D "Sun JDK" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 1 /D "%systemroot%\system32\msiexec.exe INSTALLDIR=\"YOUR_FAV_DIR\" -i %CDROM%\install\java.msi /QB" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 2 /D "%systemroot%\system32\msiexec.exe INSTALLDIR=\"YOUR_FAV_DIR\" -i %CDROM%\install\jre.msi /QB IEXPLORER=1 MOZILLA=1 NETSCAPE6=1 REBOOT=Suppress" /f

if u're using any spaces in ur folder/file names use \" instead of " around the pathname (look in the guide on msfn)

maybe anyone has fun with this, since many ppl are using only jre, u can adapt this guide on that one too i think


I'm sorry, one little mistake in this...

REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\install\java.msi /QB" /f

has to be

REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\install\java.msi /QB REBOOT=ReallySuppress" /f

and REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 2 /D "%CDROM%\install\jre.msi /QB IEXPLORER=1 NETSCAPE6=1 MOZILLA=1 REBOOT=Suppress" /f

has to be

REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 2 /D "%CDROM%\install\jre.msi /QB IEXPLORER=1 NETSCAPE6=1 MOZILLA=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppress" /f

u need to ReallySuppress the reboot dialog else u'll get a "need to reboot/restart" message...

my fault...

REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 2 /D "%CDROM%\install\jre.msi /QB IEXPLORER=1 NETSCAPE6=1 MOZILLA=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppress" /f

I don't know why, but in my experience, this still reboots. :( It is reboot=suppress actually, and I add custom=1

Remember, netscape=1 is not a valid switch. I'm not sure about netscape6 because I don't use that. But I'm 80% sure it's not a valid switch either, because I don't see it in the property of the msi. I think I posted my complete switch on a different thread.


About the switches on plugins:

open the java.msi file and look into the "checkbox" thread there u'll find:

CheckBox1 = 1




but u're indeed correct about the switches for the jre package.. there u'll find only IEXPLORER and MOZILLA

but about the reboot procedure, there are a few switches in the file on that:




SDKSILENT=1 (strage one, sems only to affect to IE routines on checking it somehow, but not too sure on that)

/Reboot (one switch from JRE...)

JAVAREBOOT=1 (also JRE only)

i didn't get any reboot messages with ReallySuppress, and i am not using NETSCAPE6 switches since i don't use netscape stuff, did u also call it via "msiexec [...] -i [...]" ?? or did u just send everything to the msi without calling the msiexec? maybe thats the difference between the method i used and the one u used...

hope that helps


I've personally found that making JRE5 the first thing to install keeps it from rebooting. When I had it in the middle of a bunch of programs, it rebooted.

  • 2 weeks later...
I've personally found that making JRE5 the first thing to install keeps it from rebooting. When I had it in the middle of a bunch of programs, it rebooted.

so to make it not reboot, install jre5 first ?

JRE5 -> JAVA -> Other Apps ?


Yeah, try it out. And what's this "JAVA" that you're installing? If it's the MS JVM, I'd strongly recommend you avoid it if at all possible.


why not simply create an administrative point using the /A switch? that seems to be a bit easier and it can install silently using /qb...however, can it use mozilla=1 and iexplore=1?

Yeah, try it out.  And what's this "JAVA" that you're installing? If it's the MS JVM, I'd strongly recommend you avoid it if at all possible.

so i just install jre5.msi and leave java.msi ?

** i think i need to install java.msi, since i program in java


for the java deployment use:
/quiet /qn /norestart

for the jre use:
/quiet /qn /norestart IEXPLORER=1 MOZILLA=1

applying this code for both msi don't reboot my comp (even if i install it in any order)

hope this might help :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @ all, :hello:

if you are able to use the search, so you will find the installation notes:

I'm using JDK


REBOOT=SUPRESS is only needed for uninstall java.

for more informations looking for 'silent install' at: http://java.sun.com/



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