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Script for opening the cd tray after install

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I thought there might be someone (like me) out there who doesn't want to open the CD tray manually when they're done installing so here is a windows script that ejects the cd tray.


Const CDROM = 4
For Each d in CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").Drives
 If d.DriveType = CDROM Then
   Eject d.DriveLetter & ":\"
 End If

Sub Eject(CDROM)
 Dim ssfDrives
 ssfDrives = 17
End Sub

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Well, I thought I should also post one to close it.. This one is a bit trickier. First of all you need wshAPIToolkitobject.ocx (one option). Copy it into system32 and run regsvr32 wshAPIToolkitobject.ocx


Dim oATO 
Set oATO = WScript.CreateObject("wshAPIToolkitObject.ucATO", "")
Const ssfDRIVES = &H11

Const DriveTypeCDROM = 4
Set oFS = Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oDrives = oFS.Drives    
For Each Drive in oDrives  
 If Drive.DriveType = DriveTypeCDROM Then
   cdromDrvLtr = ("Drive.DriveLetter")
 End If

Set oSH = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
nRtn = oATO.CallAPI("WINMM.DLL", "mciSendStringA", "Set CDAudio door closed", 0, 0, 0)


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this is posted on http://unattended.msfn.org

Download: CDR - a command line CD Drive Ejector utility

CDR.exe is a command line utility which you can execute to eject one or more CD/DVD drives. This can be used as a replacement for the cd_eject.vbs script file, which wasn't all that great in terms of functionality. Use CDR.exe /? for a full list of switches and examples.

Why would you want to use this tool? This can be handy to eject your Windows XP CD before performing replace/delete commands in the Windows or System32 directories, in which case Windows File Protection can intefere at times when the CD is in the drive.

Usage: CDR.exe open ALL

Thanks to devil270975 for developing this tool for MSFN.org

IMO, this is easier :P

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