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XP is driving me insane!

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Hiya, I recently got a new laptop(which works fine) but it came preloaded with XP which is giving me so much hassle. Firstly SP2 makes the lappy freeze up everytime I try to install it. I also have tried many AV's, AVG will collect updates but when I come to scan my system it crashes on the file 'C:\\Windows\Driver Cache\i386\DRIVER.CAB\cq39cur.dll' (Not entirely sure if the red section is correct, cant read my own writing) Also panda titanium 2004(came with the lappy) will not update but will scan( it freezes in the same way as the others do) If anyone could help it would be most appreciated as this is causing me endless hassle and giving me security issues(lack of updates) p.s. interestingly earlier windows updates do work. Many Thanks.


First thing to do, is to slip-stream SP2 into your XP CD, and then re-format and install it.

After that, install any AV you want - I've seen NAV2002 being pretty good. (although people hate it for the sake of hating it)


kool thanks, but how do I slip-stream SP2 into a CD? if you mean the XP cd then i didn't get one. I'm sorry im a real n00b lol if you can, please explain.


kool thanks, but how do I slip-stream SP2 into a CD? if you mean the XP cd then i didn't get one. I'm sorry im a real n00b lol if you can, please explain.

**Sorry double post. Is this problem a regular occurance with XP**


Maybe you won't need a xp cd. Check if you have a i386 diractory in your root directory c:\i386 (but not the one in c:\windows\...), some manufacturers leave it on the hdd after instaling Windows. It's the only directory from the cd that nLite needs.

+ sp2 ofcourse ;)


ya i did sliptremed sp2 into an xp retail cd a while ago and i did a clean install today and it worked great. takes so much less than installng both service packs again.

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