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How mean are you?


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I look at it as an opportunity, this way you get to interact with all different types of PC's with all different type of problems; which has and continues to prepare me for the corporate world.

Also you can make some change if you treat these people 100% professionally and cleverly disregard all 'small talk'.

Just do yourself a favor... When I went into the corporate world, I thought I knew everything. I was so convinced that I had encountered every situation and dealt with every piece of hardware. I was arrogant about it, and a lot of people hated me for it. Needless to say, it was a big swift kick in the @ss when reality hit me. Now, it's years later and I feel I have a great understanding, but I know I don't know everything. Recommendations... learn about UNC paths, learn about all of the command prompt administration tools, learn about MMC and GPO, Active Directory, and get to know EVERY program you can, especially the Office Suites. I'm not saying you don't already know these things, but be open to the idea that you don't know everything. Don't be so arrogant that the people who want to help you learn, no longer will. Also, I have found that batch/command scripting is still very much used in the corporate world.

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at school, back when we had computer class, id be like, the bussiest guy in the place, helping every body, ppl always trying to get me after school to work on something. now, im like, invisible :angry:

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