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What do the Runonce parameters mean ?


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Im attempting to create my Runonceex.cmd file and although I do not currently appear to be having any major problem which I believe is due to luck. I would like to really understand what I am doing, as such I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the following parameters actually mean, and in what context you would use each


-p\"-s /v\"/qn\"\"



/silent /noreboot /NO_UI


/verysilent /sp-

/noqp /autoinstall

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I'll give a few a try:


As it says. A silent install, probably nothing visible during install

-p\"-s /v\"/qn\"\"

A combination of switches to make an install 'inside of the install' silent, not really sure what they all mean. -s probably silent, /qn same as below. The \" are used to get the quotation marks right in a batch file. Outside of a batch file it would look like -p"-s /v"/qn""


Quiet (same as silent), no user interface. Nothing visible during install.


Short for silent

/silent /noreboot /NO_UI

Silent, without rebooting when install is done, No user interface (nothing visible)


Quiet, basic user interface. The /qb switch specifies that no progress or error messages are displayed except the progress bar with a cancel button. the - at the end sets the cancel button disabled.

/verysilent /sp-

Not really sure what /sp- stands for. /verysilent stands for, well, VERY silent... :D probably nothing visible during install.

/noqp /autoinstall

No Quick Pic icon in the taskbar tray, automatic install with default values. That's WinZip's version of silent.

Many programs use their own switches to make the install silent, or to set different values. What works with one program may not work with another.

Try to type app.exe /? at a command prompt to get more information about which switches the app supports. It will also give you a brief explanation of the switches.

Also the support pages of the developers homepage may be helpfull.

I would also recommend http://www.google.com.

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