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it seems that when i reload the only thin i really ever have problems with is something to do with sql...here it is this time

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in /var/www/html/ibf/sm_install.php on line 249

thats when settin up invisionboard...any ideas?


well no matter what i have it as it doesnt do anything but ive that error..i tried using localhost and its ip address. i loaded up phpmyadmin and it gave me an error about not being able to connect to the sqlserver too so i think it might be someting to do with the mysql option when compiling php..so im gonna try recompiling that and see what happens


ok..i tried recompiling php and made sure i used --with-mysql and in the the output you see on the screen it says "mysql support...yes" or something like that... but i still get

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in /var/www/html/ibf/sm_install.php on line 249
from invisionboard and
cannot load MySQL extension,

please check PHP Configuration.


from phpmyadmin

To connect to a MySQL server, PHP needs a set of MySQL functions called

"MySQL extension". This extension may be part of the PHP server

(compiled-in), otherwise it needs to be loaded dynamically. Its name is

probably mysql.so or mysql.dll. phpMyAdmin tried to load the extension but


Usually, the problem is solved by installing a software package called

"PHP-MySQL" or something similar.

If you want download newer PHP - extension-less.


well im using the latest version (php-4.2.3.tar.gz) compiled myself and i used the rpm of the latest mysql. and the preinstalled apache 2.0... I may just format and reload and compile everything myself if i cant fix this.


Here is what I use to configure php(this is in no way standard, but it works :) )

First make sure to delete the old directory:

rm -rf /wwroot/php

or wherever it is

./configure --prefix=/wwwroot/php --with-config-file-path=/wwwroot/php  --with-apxs=/wwwroot/bin/apxs --with-xml --enable-bcmath --enable-calender --enable-ftp --with-gd  --enable-magic-quotes --with-mysql --with-pear --enable-track-vars --with-ttf --with-zlib --with-mod_charset --with-iconv --enable-trans-sid --enable-sockets

Of course you may need to change some paths, install libs, etc.

Btw, if you use Debian I would sugest you install it this way:

apt-get install apache

apt-get install php4

apt-get install mysql

apt-get install php4-mysql

You can see other modules here


i got it to work..i reinstalled with all the stuff from the cd and then i finally found the php-mysql package which is what i needed but at first couldnt find...thanks for the help


I wanna setup a forum, using InvisionBoard, but I dunno how to setup the SQL-PHP crap...

akafree: feel like doin' a free job for me?



ide recommend serving yourself that way downtime is only your own fault..its rather simple once you figure it out.. just download redhat 8 install everything from the cd (apache, php, mysql) and install this: ftp://ftp.rpmfind.net/linux/redhat/8.0/en...-8.0.5.i386.rpm by downloading and double clicking on it.. then set your passwords for the mysql server (mysqladmin -u root password passwordyouwant) you can go into the server configuration menu and choose services and have apache and mysql run on startup too.. and if you want to do remote login ide use pure-ftpd. i can help you with that too

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