bob3128 Posted October 29, 2004 Posted October 29, 2004 I am currently toying with the idea of using a bootable DVD which contains Win XP and all my current applications. My will %OEM%\$1\install directory contains a batch file that will search for the DVD drive and then run the installers from the DVD drive.This process is in the early stages of testing can anyone see any disadvantages to this?(I am assuming this would be a quicker install than copying all the applications from the %OEM%\$1\install directory to the Hard disk before installing the app? .)(Example of the batch file)@echo offtitle Application Install Batch:Menu1clsECHO Do you want to script / batch install basic appsecho (Acrobat / Winzip / Office etc)Echo.set /p userinp=choose a letter (y or n):set userinp=%userinp:~0,1%if "%userinp%"=="Y" goto APPif "%userinp%"=="y" goto APPif "%userinp%"=="n" goto ENDif "%userinp%"=="N" goto ENDCLSecho.echo invalid choice please select "y" or "n"pausegoto Menu1:APPif exist d:\#Adobe#\AdbeRdr60_enu_full.goto DAPPif exist e:\#Adobe#\AdbeRdr60_enu_fullgoto EAPPif exist f:\#Adobe#\AdbeRdr60_enu_fullgoto FAPPif exist g:\#Adobe#\AdbeRdr60_enu_fullgoto GAPPGoto END:DAPPecho Now installing Acrobat Readerstart /wait d:\#Adobe#\AdbeRdr60_enu_full.exe -p"-s /v\"/qn\""Echo Now installing another appStart /wait d:\goto END:EAPPecho Now installing Acrobat Readerstart /wait e:\#Adobe#\AdbeRdr60_enu_full.exe -p"-s /v\"/qn\""Echo Now installing another appStart /wait e:\goto END:FAPPecho Now installing Acrobat Readerstart /wait f:\#Adobe#\AdbeRdr60_enu_full.exe -p"-s /v\"/qn\""Echo Now installing another appStart /wait f:\goto END:GAPPecho Now installing Acrobat Readerstart /wait g:\#Adobe#\AdbeRdr60_enu_full.exe -p"-s /v\"/qn\""Echo Now installing another appStart /wait g:\goto END:END
Tsunami Posted October 29, 2004 Posted October 29, 2004 It would be better/shorter if you did something like this:@ECHO OFFTITLE Application Install Batch:Menu1ECHO Do you want to script / batch install basic appsECHO (Acrobat / Winzip / Office etc)ECHO.SET /P USERINP=Choose a letter (Y or N): SET USERINP=%USERINP:~0,1%IF /I "%USERINP%" == "Y" GOTO AppIF /I "%USERINP%" == "N" GOTO EndCLSECHO.ECHO Invalid choice, please select "Y" or "N"PAUSEGOTO Menu1:AppFOR %%D IN (D E F G) DO IF EXIST %%D:\#Adobe#\AdbeRdr60_enu_full.exe SET D=%%DIF NOT EXIST %D%:\#Adobe#\AdbeRdr60_enu_full.exe GOTO EndECHO Now installing Acrobat ReaderSTART /WAIT %D%:\#Adobe#\AdbeRdr60_enu_full.exe -p"-s /v\"/qn\""ECHO Now installing another appSTART /WAIT %D%:\:EndBut, if you don't want to change it, it still looks fine to me
SC00BS Posted October 29, 2004 Posted October 29, 2004 This process is in the early stages of testing can anyone see any disadvantages to this?Can't see any disadvantages. I currentl use a multi-os dvd with all my apps installing from CD.I then use wpi to allow for additional apps to be installed after build if necessary.i have the wpi.hta to autorun. CD serves as dual purpose that way.
CoffeeFiend Posted October 29, 2004 Posted October 29, 2004 I do something a bit similar, using a clone. During the install, it'll ask for some optionnal components (mostly big/unusual apps) and will default to yes after 10 seconds or such. Eventually, I might come up with some way of using "answer files" on a floppy or usb memory stick or such to select them (and change other settings) before starting the install. WPI may be good for some, but it's not what I'm looking for...
gunsmokingman Posted October 29, 2004 Posted October 29, 2004 Try This It produces a Inputbox that will go to the spot in the batch fileAdjust it to your needsecho offmode con: cols=55 lines=2title My App To Installcolor f8:TheLoop > Exmple.vbs echo strUserIn = InputBox("Do you want to script / batch install basic apps"^& vbnewline ^&_>> Exmple.vbs echo "Type A To Install Acrobat " ^& vbnewline ^& "Type B To Install Winzip" ^& vbnewline ^&_>> Exmple.vbs echo "Type C To Install Office" ^& vbnewline ^& "Type Quit To Exit") >> Exmple.vbs echo Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") >> Exmple.vbs echo strFileName = fs.BuildPath(Wscript.ScriptFullName ^& "\..", "Exmple.cmd") >> Exmple.vbs echo strFileName = fs.GetAbsolutePathName(strFileName) >> Exmple.vbs echo Set ts = fs.OpenTextFile(strFileName, 2, True)>> Exmple.vbs echo ts.WriteLine "set Exmple=" ^& strUserIn >> Exmple.vbs echo ts.Closestart /w Wscript.exe Exmple.vbsdel Exmple.vbscall Exmple.cmd ping -n 1>nul del Exmple.cmdgoto %Exmple%:Aclscolor 2bTitle Here Box 1echo Fill This Inping -n 3>nulgoto TheLoop:Bcolor 4fclscolor 2bTitle Here Box 2echo Fill This Inping -n 3>nulgoto TheLoop:Ccolor 9eclscolor 2bTitle Here Box 3echo Fill This Inping -n 3>nulgoto TheLoop:Quitecho Completedping -n 3>nulexitI have added a yes or no MSGBox To The Above script
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