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Reinstall XP services


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Tried sfc/scannow but to no avail, And also the three services files but there pretty small and i also tried seeing if the service installer could recongnise them but no, Now if someone would make a program which reinstalls the services for us dumbasses that would be helpfull, Thanks for the help guys though it looks like a **** format is the only option.

Edit: I'll have a look through the .dlls

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Not necessarily (a format that is). If you go through the motions of re-installing Windows, about 3-4 screens into the installation it will detect that you already have Windows and ask you if you want to repair it. This will delete the Windows files and copy them back off the CD. Everything else should be OK, your user accounts will be OK and your installed applications will be OK. It's worth a try.

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Yeah it's now doing the repair hopefully that will fix it, If not then yeah bite the bullet but i was hoping there was just some easy to fix it as it's **** easy to delete them. :lol: A tool to delete and install the windows services would be handy though, I am a bit suprised it hasn't already been done as nearly everything else has. thats enough of me crying and thanks for the help again guys.

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I don't think it's any of those. The services will be DLL files. They will have names in the form of *.dl_ on the CD, you just need to copy them and rename them *.dll. But certainly run sfc /scannow.

this is not a renaming that is needed but an expand of the files (which end with _ are compacted).

--- hope this helps :]

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all the windows stuff (services, components...) are present in the system32\drivers\inf :

in there you have all the inf files that could be install (by right click + install).

for example : an installation for automatic update agent is done with au.inf.

if you search the service name in these *.infs you'll sure find the "installer" of the service and can then restore it easily !

---hope it's a good fix :]

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I sit corrected. :blushing:

Any joy, vroom23??

Didn't get anywere with the repair, So i had to do a fresh install but with SP1 because my brothers got my slipstreamed SP2 cd so i gotta use this as a temporary until i get the cd back :angry: thanks for the help again everyone.

Nevermind another lesson learned don't delete services :D .

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I'm not sure if this will work for your situation, but If you have your windows xp cd handy, you could go to start------->run, and typr in "sfc /scannow", that "should" replace missing, corupted or changed ms windows files.

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