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ntkrnlmp.exe error

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I've tried this in Virtual PC and a real computer...

Used the guide, made the winnt.sif file, added SP2, etc. I start the install and right after the 2 messages at the bottom appear (something about a 3rd party raid and ASR), I get "The entry "ntkrnlmp.exe" in the [sourceDisksFiles] section of the INF file is corrupt or missing. Setup cannot continue. Press any key to exit." Well, the only ntkrnlmp.exe refrence I found in an INF file is LAYOUT.INF, and the string is ntkrnlmp.exe = 100,,2148352,,,,2_,,3,3,,1,2. I dont have a multi proc comp, so whats the deal? I'm not sure if this is an unattend error or not...

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