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  • 3 months later...

Posted (edited)


i have mui.cmd file in $OEM$ on my cd

file contains

@echo off
title mui
@echo on
@echo installing MUI
".\mui\muisetup.exe" /i 0405 /d 0405 /l /f /r /s

then i have this

Append =..

[Czech mui]
context = Installing Czech mui
runwait = mui.cmd

in my ktool config file and i'm starting ktool with ktool.cmd from cmdlines.txt. Ktool.cmd contains

cd ktool
kTool.exe config/cmdlines_install.ini

, but mui installation never starts.

I have tried placing mui.cmd (notice pause at the end) to $oem$, cdroot, $oem$/ktool $oem$/ktool/config but it still don't start

can you help me please?

Edited by Lolita
  • 6 months later...

This app rocks!! The only thing i would change is the option to leave the program running after the installation is done. Other than that it's perfect!

  • 1 month later...


can anyone make this work for Windows Vista.

I've used this tool for windows xp and it work perfect, but now i looking for a simple installer for windows vista.

anyone can help me?

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)

For anyone trying to find updated version of this, I used the following link:


You need to be logged in to download it, but there's a version 1.2c! (actually says 1.1c when you run it). Some nice little niggles removed. Excellent tool, even in 2009. :thumbup

Oh, should say that the link is for the source code. 1 slight error is there's no space between & and the _ on line 1003. Compiled fine in Auto-it apart from that.


Edited by Sin_of_Nature
  • 5 weeks later...

I am a bit confused, if I compile the lastest source I have an error (Something saying -1 not existing), I am not a big user of Autoit but apparently by removing the line 65:

Opt("RunErrorsFatal"  , 0)

I don't have anymore the problem, does anyone have the same problem? Is this line important?

  • 3 months later...
I am a bit confused, if I compile the lastest source I have an error (Something saying -1 not existing), I am not a big user of Autoit but apparently by removing the line 65:

Opt("RunErrorsFatal"  , 0)

I don't have anymore the problem, does anyone have the same problem? Is this line important?

I had the same problem and looked it up. The "RunErrorsFatal"-command was removed from AutoIt v32120. This means you must remove this line running AutoIt v32120 and later

Posted (edited)

One thing I find strange with latest version. It fire off the software in the order of the INI file NOT the order you specify in the Profiles list

For example, I put my software in Alphabetic order in the INI file (for ease of finding it).

[.Net Framework 2.0 SP1]
context = .Net Framework 2.0 SP1
description = Installing .Net 2.0
runwait = "%wpipath%\\Install\\Net Framework 2.0\\SP1\\NetFx20SP1_x86.exe" /norestart /qb

[Disable Shutdown Script]
context = Disable Shutdown Script
description = Disable Shutdown Script on PCs
runwait = "%wpipath%\\Install\\WKIX32.EXE" -i "%wpipath%\\Install\\Tweaks\\Shutdown_Disable.kix"

[Display Settings]
context = Display Settings
description = Sets Display Settings for Lab PCs
runwait = "%wpipath%\\Install\\WKIX32.EXE" -i "%wpipath%\\Install\\Tweaks\\DisplaySettings.kix"

However, In my profiles I have:

Computer=|Display Settings|Disable Shutdown Script|.Net Framework 2.0 SP1

Even though .Net Framework 2.0 SP1 is listed last, it actually installs first as its 1st in the INI file. That definitely needs a bit of a code change. :blink:

Just looking at the code now, as I need the software to install in a certain order.


I've updated the code so it installs in the order specified in the Profiles list. Anyone wanting the code/binary, just PM me.


Edited by Sin_of_Nature
  • 5 months later...
Posted (edited)

Hi anyone knows how ktool can be recognized by windows seven?

P.S.: Hi Sin, can you send me the last code you have? I can't PM you.

I Think I found the part of the code to include Windows Seven but I'm not sure:

line 175:


Func ReturnOSVersion () ;Get OS version to readable format


Case $VER = "WIN_XP"

$OS = "Windows XP"

Case $VER = "WIN_2000"

$OS = "Windows 2000"

Case $VER = "WIN_98"

$OS = "Windows 98"

Case $VER = "WIN_ME"

$OS = "Windows ME"

Case $VER = "WIN_95"

$OS = "Windows 95"

Case $VER = "WIN_NT4"

$OS = "Windows NT4"


EndFunc ;ReturnOSVersion

line 584:

;win other

Func AutoLogon () ;Write autologon information to registry

If $Ver = "WIN_XP" Or $Ver = "WIN_2000" Or $Ver = "WIN_NT4" Then

RegWrite("HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\", "DefaultUserName", "REG_SZ", @UserName)

$Password = InputBox("Password", "Enter password for autologon" & @CR & $RebootCount & " restart(s) required", "", "*")

RegWrite("HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\", "DefaultPassword", "REG_SZ", $Password)

RegWrite("HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\", "AutoAdminLogon", "REG_SZ", "1")

RegWrite("HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\", "AutoLogonCount", "REG_DWORD", $RebootCount)

RegWrite("HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\", "DefaultDomainName", "REG_SZ", @LogonDomain)


If $Ver = "WIN_98" Or $Ver = "WIN_95" Or $Ver = "WIN_ME" Then

MsgBox (0,"", "Autologon currently not avialable for " & $OS )


EndFunc ;AutoLogon

Anyone can help please??? :unsure:

Edited by andee_damon

The ReturnOSVersion function should contain:

Case $VER = "WIN_7"
$OS = "Windows 7"
$OS = "Windows Vista"
Case $VER = "WIN_XP"
$OS = "Windows XP"
Case $VER = "WIN_2000"
$OS = "Windows 2000"
Case $VER = "WIN_98"
$OS = "Windows 98"
Case $VER = "WIN_ME"
$OS = "Windows ME"
Case $VER = "WIN_95"
$OS = "Windows 95"
Case $VER = "WIN_NT4"
$OS = "Windows NT4"

What you do with the new responses in that source is your own design. Note you can get the version simply by returning the @OSVersion macro:

MsgBox (0, "OS Version", @OSVersion)

For example:


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