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Norton Ghost v9.0?Help


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Copy the i386 folder from the ghost cd to your multiboot cd, and rename it to ghv9 or something, create a bootfile pointing to that folder, and edit setupldr.bin (change any references about i386 to ghv9).

It's a version of WinPE, so any guides about that should work with ghost..

Flyakite's guide about ERD commander and BartPe should lead you on the right track.

Haven't tried it though. :blushing:

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the tutorial from ToBe is the right way. I have tested; it is working ;)

I have patched the two files yet:



You can download the pack here:


Now copy the i386 folder from your ghost v9.0 cd to the root of your Multiboot DVD. The rename it to "GHV9". Now copy the "SETUPLDR.BIN" of my package into the renamed GHV9 folder.

After that copy the "GHV9.BIN" in to the root of your Multiboot DVD. The last thing you have to do, is to set the path in bcdw.ini like this:

\GHV9.BIN; Norton Ghost v9.0; ^ Leistungsfähiges Programm zur Aktualisierung, Sicherung & ^ Wiederherstellung von Systemen.

Here is my bcdw.ini of my multiboot dvd :D

There a lot of stuff on the dvd ;-) but no more space for ghost 9.

C:\; Booten von Festplatte; ^ Von Festplatte starten. CD Start übergehen...
\i386\setupldr.bin; Bart's Windows PE; ^ Starte Bart's Windows PE mit PE Shell Swapper.
\boot\isolinux\isolinux.bin; Knoppix v3.6; ^ Live Linux Filesystem on Cd, mehr Infos unter ^ http://www.knopper.net/knoppix/
\ubcd\boot\loader.bin; Ultimate Boot CD v2.4; ^ Tolle Sammlung von nützlichen System-Diagnostik-Utilities,^ mehr Infos unter http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/
\HIREN.IMA; Hiren's Boot Cd v6.0; ^ All in One DOS Bootable CD, mehr Infos unter ^ http://www.thanki.tk/
:; *** Betriebssysteme - Workstation ***
\98SE.IMA; Microsoft Windows 98 SE; ^ Installation von Windows 98 SE mit integrierter Seriennummer. ^ #Serial:
\2PRO.BIN; Microsoft Windows 2000 PROFESSIONAL SP4; ^ Installation von Windows 2k Prof. mit integrierter Seriennummer. ^ #Serial:
\PRO1.BIN; Microsoft Windows XP SP1; ^ Installation von Windows XP SP1 mit integrierter Seriennummer. ^ #Serial:
\PRO2.BIN; Microsoft Windows XP SP2; ^ Installation von Windows XP SP2 mit integrierter Seriennummer. ^ #Serial:
:; *** Betriebssysteme - Server ***
\2ADV.BIN; Microsoft Windows 2000 ADVANCE SERVER SP4; ^ Installation von Windows 2k Advance Server mit integrierter Seriennummer. ^ #Serial:
\3ENT.BIN; Microsoft Windows 2003 SERVER CORPORATE; ^ Installation von  Windows 2k3 Server  mit integrierter Seriennummer. ^ #Serial:
:; *** Acronis Programme ***
\acronis\ape.wbt; Partition Expert ; ^ Partitionierung einfach und rasant schnell. ^ Mehr Infos unter: http://www.acronis.de
\acronis\ati6server.wbt; True Image Server 6 ; ^ Die Komplettlösung für Disk-Imaging, Backup und Desaster-Recovery. ^ Mehr Infos unter: http://www.acronis.de
\acronis\ati7server.wbt; True Image Server 7 ; ^ Die Komplettlösung für Disk-Imaging, Backup und Desaster-Recovery. ^ Mehr Infos unter: http://www.acronis.de
\acronis\are.wbt; Recovery Expert ; ^ Schnelle und automatisierte Wiederherstellung gelöschter oder verlorener ^ Partitionen. Mehr Infos unter: http://www.acronis.de
\acronis\ade.wbt; Disk Editor  ; ^ Logische Fehler auf der Festplatte? Schaffen Sie Abhilfe! ^ Mehr Infos unter: http://www.acronis.de
\acronis\adc.wbt; Drive Cleanser ; ^ Die zuverlässige Lösung zum sicheren Entwerten von Festplatten. ^ Mehr Infos unter: http://www.acronis.de
\acronis\ame.wbt; Migrate Easy  ; ^ Richten Sie einfach und schnell eine neue Festplatte auf Ihrem PC ein. ^ Mehr Infos unter: http://www.acronis.de
\acronis\aoss.wbt; OS Selector  ; ^ Re/Partitionieren Sie Ihre Festplatte(n) und richten Sie mehrere ^ Betriebssysteme ein. Mehr Infos unter: http://www.acronis.de
\acronis\adds.WBT; Acronis Disk Director Suite 9.0; ^ Festplattenverwaltung leicht gemacht
:; *** PowerQuest Programme ***
\pq\dc55.img; Deploy Center 5.5 ; ^ Leistungsstarke Lösungen für die Installation und Aktualisierung von ^ Computersystemen!
\pq\di6.img; Drive Image 6  ; ^ Backupsoftware für Microsoft Windows XP oder 2000.
\pq\PQDI.img; Drive Image  2002 ; ^ Backupsoftware für Microsoft Windows XP oder 2000. Neuere Version!
\pq\pm8.img; Partition Magic 8 ; ^ Software zum Partitionieren von Festplatten.
:; *** Winternals Programme ***
\ERD1.BIN; ERD Coommander 2003 ; ^ Falls Ihr Server oder Workstation nicht mehr bootet, ^ benötigen Sie den ERD Commander 2003!
:; *** DataPol Programme ***
\etc\ciaxp.ima; CIA Commander  ; ^ Startet den CIA Commander^ ändert und deaktiviert Benutzer-Passwörter.
:; *** Norton Programme ***
\etc\ghost.img; Norton Ghost 2003 ; ^ Leistungsfähiges Programm zur Aktualisierung, Sicherung & ^ Wiederherstellung von Systemen.
:                   ; *** Test & Analyse Programme ***
\etc\memtest.img; Mem Test v3.0  ; ^ Überprüft den Arbeitsspeicher auf Fehler.^ Test kann je nach Methode mehrere Stunden dauern!
\etc\memt_neu.img; MemTest86+ V1.15 (Nachfolger von Mem Test 3.0); ^ Überprüft den Arbeitsspeicher auf Fehler.^ Test kann je nach Methode mehrere Stunden dauern!^ Neue Version, Nachfolger von Mem Test 3.0!
\etc\docmem.img; Doc Memory v2.0 ; ^ Überpüft den Arbeitsspeicher auf Fehler.
\etc\microscope.ima; Micro-Scope 11.04 ; ^ Professionelles Tool für PC-Diagnose.
:; *** Datei Manager ***
\etc\BCDWDOS.IMA; Volkov Commander ; ^ DOS-Dateimanager mit langen Dateinamenunterstützung.^; \go vc
:; *** Andere Programme ***
\etc\active.ima; Active@ Uneraser 3.0; ^ DATA Recovery ist eine leistungsfähige DOS-gegründete ^ Datenwiederaufnahmen-Software.
\etc\spinrite.ima; Spinrite v6.0; ^ Festplatten-Crash-Tool, Recovery & more...
\etc\xfdisk.img; XFDISK; ^ Startet XFDISK!
\etc\Win98.ima; Win98 Startdiskette; ^ Windows98 Startdiskette^ mit USb 2 Treibern.^; imastart
\etc\Start.ima; Systemdiskette; ^ Eine Startdiskette nur mit Systemtreiber^ zum Bios updaten.
\etc\data.ima; Data Advisor; ^ Diagnose Tool, analysiert Festplatten und Arbeitsspeicher.
:reboot; Reboot; ^ PC neu starten


Logo  = \BCDW\logo.gif; Splash file
Font  = \BCDW\FONTS\latin1.fnt; Font file (Latin I)
CharSet  = \BCDW\CHARSETS\cp1252.cpf; Charset file (Windows Latin I)
RootMenu  = \BCDW\bcdw.ini; Root menu file (this file)

; *** Background settings

BGColors  = 00, 80, 80, 80; Background colors: border, background, top line, bottom line
BGSymbol  = 32; Decimal code of background filler: 32, 176, 177, 178
TopText  = ; Top line text
BottomText  = ; Bottom line text

; *** Settings of "Boot options" window

MenuPosition  = 02, 05, 76, 13; Window Position: X, Y, width, height
MenuColors  = f9, 9f, 1f, f0, 0c, fd, f9; Window colors: border, title on got focus, title on lost focus, window content, current line on got focus, current line on lost focus, unacceptable lines
MenuBorderStyle  = 5; Border style: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
MenuShadowStyle  = 2; Shadow style: 0, 1, 2
MenuTitle  = Boot Optionen; Window title
MenuDefault  = 0; Index of default boot image
MenuTimerLabel  = verbleibende Zeit:; Timer label
MenuTimer  = 30; Timer delay in seconds

; *** Settings of "About boot option" window (remove all Help* strings to disable this window)

HelpPosition  = 02, 19, 76, 05; Window position: X, Y, width, height
HelpColors  = f9, 9f, 1f, f0, 0f, f0; Window colors: border, title on got focus, title on lost focus, window content, current line on got focus, current line on lost focus
HelpBorderStyle  = 5; Border style: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
HelpShadowStyle  = 2; Shadow style: 0, 1, 2
HelpTabSkip  = 0; Skip window while switching by Tab key: 0 - off, 1 - on
HelpTitle  = Beschreibung der Boot Optionen; Window title

; *** Settings of "About CD" window (remove all About* strings to disable this window)

AboutPosition  = 02, 01, 76, 03; Window position: X, Y, width, height
AboutColors  = f9, 9f, 1f, f0, 0f, f0; Window colors: border, title on got focus, title on lost focus, window content, current line on got focus, current line on lost focus
AboutBorderStyle = 5; Border style: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
AboutShadowStyle = 2; Shadow style: 0, 1, 2
AboutTabSkip  = 0; Skip window while switching by Tab key: 0 - off, 1 - on
AboutTitle  = Webjunkie Homeworks presents; Window title
AboutText  = ~; Window content
WTDVD Summer Edition

; *** Settings of "Scroll line" window (remove all Scroll* strings to disable this window)

ScrollPosition  = 79, 00, 01, 01; Window position: X, Y, width, height
ScrollColors  = 87, 87, 87, 87, 0f, 87; Window colors: border, title on got focus, title on lost focus, window content, current line on got focus, current line on lost focus
ScrollBorderStyle = 0; Border style: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
ScrollShadowStyle = 0; Shadow style: 0, 1, 2
ScrollTabSkip  = 1; Skip window while switching by Tab key: 0 - off, 1 - on
ScrollMode  = 0; Window mode: 0 - scroll line, 1 - text window (such as "About CD" window)
ScrollTitle  = ; Window title
ScrollText  = ~; Window content
Made by Webjunkie for CCB; Thx to Maximilian

Now i have edited the serial numbers of the os :hello:

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Works fine for me, too. Though I didn't use Webjunkies files. I just hex-edited them myself. But now I'm wondering if it was even worth it. Ghost 9 won't do disk cloning. At least, I couldn't get it to work from VirtualPC. I tried with two VHDD's specified and with two partitions on the same VHDD. No go. The only useful part is the AV scan, and that can be done other, better ways.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,

I too have been attempting to put Ghost 2005 onto a multiboot but without success. It all boots up ok, and the application starts but then I get the same prob that other people have been having.

When I ran into problems with this, I started searching for ideas/help and I came across this thread.

For those of you that have been successful with this could I just ask where you are putting the remainder of the cd besides the I386 folder and how are you accessing these files.

As it turns out I have followed more or less the method outlined in this thread, except that I extracted the boot file direct from the cd.

The cd works just fine in Virtual PC, but when I use the files from it I get the probs outlined above.

I have also copied all the files from the cd into AIO\Ghost-2005 and pointed setupsourcepath in txtsetup.sif at this folder but that didn't work either.

Any help or further advice would be appreciated.

Many thanks in advance.



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Here's my structure:






Boot <--CD Shell menu dir which launches SGH9 boot loader


SGH9 <-- Renamed i386 dir from Ghost CD

|__setupldr.bin <--- hex-edited to point to SGH9 instead of i386


Documents And Settings





|__sgh9.dat <-- Boot loader for Ghost 9 hex-edited to point to SGH9 instead of i386

Well, it was my structure until I implemented Ghost into my BartPE (the version that allows me to clone disks, not the castrated version from the Ghost 9 CD). Since I did that, no need for Ghost9 anymore so it went bye-bye. But the structure is still sound and works.

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the tutorial from ToBe is the right way. I have tested; it is working ;)

I have patched the two files yet:



You can download the pack here:



The link isn't active anymore, are these Ghost 9 .BIN files available anywhere else please.

Cheerz :);):D

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@ all,

here are my edited files again

It is so difficult to make mirrors????

Cya Webjunkie


Thanks for your edited files, much appreciated. :yes:

What are the actual files and directories required to use in a multi-boot CD so I can boot to Ghost9 from CD??? (the \i386\ is just so large)

I've already got working, booting to NAV 2005, PM8.05, Ghost2003 but Ghost9 has got me stumped.

Cheerz :yes:;):D

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