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I am attempting to add an unattended install of Diskeeper Pro v8 Build 479 to my XP SP2 CD. I am using guiunattended in the winnt.sif file and not runonceex. I have used the comamnd line with teh switchs found on this site but they do not work. The problem is Diskeeper setup executes (I know because I use the command line without the /s so I can see setup execute) but it does not install teh program. I have also tried Build 478 to no avail. All of my other programs install just fine (TweakUI, Norton Corp 9, Winrar, etc...). Any help would be appreciated.


I dont use RUNONCEEX so that command is invalid. I use a .bat script.

ECHO Installing Diskeeper v8.0 Build 479

ECHO Please wait...

start /wait %systemroot%\UNATTENDED\Diskeeper8\DK8Setup.exe /v/qn

The problem is the diskeeper install starts up and I can see teh progress bar but it doesnt intsall. THere are no shortucts and it is not installed in my program files folder. Why would setup start but not install teh program? That is teh command I find anywhere I look.


If you run it (the same command) in normal mode from a command prompt, does it install fine?

Also, it looks like you missed out on the initial "/S" in your switches.

Another option is to make an admin-install of dk8, then install from there - run the setup from command prompt with "/A" switch.


I remove the /S so i can see it actually execute setup. If i run the command with the switchs from the command prompt diskeeper installs just fine but when it runs from GUIRUNONCE from my winnt.sif file it doesn't work. Can I admin install and have it still be silent? And if I can do I add the /a before or after the /v/qn. I have tried it with the /S switch and it doesnt work. So I removed it to see setup start to see if it was actually executing.



This what is listed in Unattend CD Guide on this site.

start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Applications\diskeeper\Setup.exe /s /v/qn

Is the system rebooting during or straight after install ?

Else maybe a rollback is happening?



all of my other programs install and run just fine. and after the install it waits 90seconds to fully boot before restarting. Ive checked it in tehat 90 second window and it just simply doesnt install it.


Yes, but is diskeeper at the end of your batchfile. Sorry, should have a little more clear. If it is, then maybe the system is rebooting prematurely?



Found your problem. I have a trial version here.

You must extract setup.exe from your installation file. With winrar or other.

Then type setup.exe /S /v/qn

Notice that I have used capital S.

I had probs to until I did this



I tried an admin install with no luck. Ive tried with the setup.exe file I have with /S /v/qn with no luck. I even tried running the setup then copying the tempoirary files it creates in the TEMP dir and tried using that .msi file with a /passive switch with no luck. ALL of these ways it installs normally and silently when I am not booting up for the first time in an unattended install. Diskeeper is not my last install and the program that installs after it installs just fine.


This is how I do it - and it works for me ;)

I run the diskeeper exe file, aborts the installation and from the C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Installations\Diskeeper Professional\

I pull the .msi file B)

The .msi goes into my \$OEM$\$1\Install

In my main_batch.cmd I have

ECHO Installing Diskeeper Professional Edition 8.0

ECHO Please wait...

start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Diskeeper\Diskeeper.msi /qn


It works fantastic B)

/ SwedenXP


ill try that. here is my current code that works just fine excpet for in teh unattended install. If after the next reboot I run this command it installs just fine.

ECHO Installing Diskeeper v8.0 Build 478

ECHO Please wait...

start /wait %systemroot%\UNATTENDED\Diskeeper8\setup.exe /S /v/qn


All right SwedenXP it didnt work for me. Same thing that always happens happend, ABSOLUTELY nothing. I am getting very frustrated. I've tried what seems to be everything. Any more suggestions would be appreciated.


Ok Ive finally decided its not me its Diskeeper. I aborted install and foudn teh /msi file liek you said Sweden XP. I renamed the file Diskeeper.msi from Diskeeper Professional Edition.msi because you cant use spaces in a batch file. so this is my new code:

ECHO Installing Diskeeper v8.0 Build 478

ECHO Please wait...

start /wait %systemroot%\UNATTENDED\Diskeeper8\Diskeeper.msi /qn /l* log.txt

I turned on diskeeper logging because all of my other programs work and I want to ruel out a silent error. Well the diskeeper log file puts out an this error "ERROR 1316 cannot find file Diskeeper Professional Edition.msi". So I renamed my file Diskeeper Professional Edition.msi and made my code look like this:

ECHO Installing Diskeeper v8.0 Build 478

ECHO Please wait...

start /wait "%systemroot%\UNATTENDED\Diskeeper8\Diskeeper Professional Edition.msi" /qn /l* log.txt

But as soon as I do this my batch script tells my Invalid switch with any switch I try. Is there an easier way to add quotes to a batch script? Do I have to use a differenet character that acts as a quote to get this to work? Do I have to somehow incorporate my switchs into the quotes? Please help I am gettign so frustrated.

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